
I've cared for my dad for over 4 years. He had a vascular bypass done on his right leg, suffered a stroke after surgery, then had leg amputated below the knee. The original agreement was to help for a year while he regained movement on his left side and learned to walk again with a prosthetic. Once he was here, he started refusing appointments and did not want to work with any of the pt's who visited. He had a 2nd stroke and a seizure 6 mths later. Since then, there has been a noticeable decline in his memory, he's has hallucinations, and he has become violent towards me. He has been refusing to allow me to get any assistance, when the social workers have come out he will not sign for help. The neurologist finally agreed to do a scan, said there is abnormal brain activity, and referred us to a psychologist the first of this year. The psychologist put dad on medications and it seemed to help a bit at first. Now after his dosage has been increased twice, dad is yelling out my name every 30 mins-1 hour and saying things like "feed me", "turn my light off" (it will already be off), "I hate you", "I hope you can live with yourself when I'm gone". He will hit/throw anything within reach. Sometimes he will start sucking air in and out making a whistling noise and just stare at the ceiling. When I call his doctor, I get referred to the neurologist, who refers me to the psychologist, who tells me it's my fault for not being understanding of dad's depression and anxiety and then ups dad's meds. I just don't know what to do anymore. It's my fiancé, 10 yr old son, and me; none of us are getting more than a couple of hours of sleep and are all jumpy and on edge. It's to a point that I want to have myself committed just to get him the care he needs and to free my son and fiancé from this situation. None of the homes here will take him because he refuses to go.

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Kryste, I think it will be very very difficult to place someone with as many physical and mental deficits as your Dad has. That's the truth. You can imagine the competition now for beds.
We often talk about the "ER Dump" here on forum. It is our great controversy. Is it good? Right? Desperate but necessary? Awful? The only thing I can say, as an old nurse, is that there are times that it is the ONLY THING THAT WORKS.
As you have already proven to yourself over time, and can continue to prove to yourselves as long as you need to, there is no help for this forthcoming. There are times, esp. after anesthesia in the elders that there is no coming back. I highly suspect there is more going on here than depression. And what is going on isn't really the questions. The likely and awful truth may be that your father may be in a condition until his passing that requires medications to keep him somewhere hopefully out of anxiety, but still in the waking world. That alone is going to be almost impossible for doctors and staff. For a family? This is also impossible.
I know if you have been here you understand what the ER Dump is. It basically is trying everything else and coming up against a brick wall, then calling Emergency Services for transport to an ER. Dad should have a whole workup from a urinalysis to exam to neuro psyc, but the important thing is that on admission you make it clear your father cannot return to your home. You will have to tell them that you can no longer physically nor mentally take care of your father in your home and he cannot come back to it. They will call the social worker and he or she will try EVERYTHING to convince you otherwise from "no beds" to "covid" to "we can get help" to "we can make this work". Basically they will try anything and everything to get you to take Dad home.
As a nurse I feared lower extremities and vascular surgeries more than any other; I saw more very bad outcomes than any others. Your poor Dad has ended here thought no fault of his own, no fault of yours, and it is a tragedy. However, it isn't one that you and your son and your fiance should have to pay for with decades of your life, and it could destroy you young family.
It will take a while to consider all this, to speak with your fiance and others, to try to figure if you have tried everything else. And then I think you may end desperate enough that you have to at least consider what I have said. The Social Worker will find placement. It is what they do. She may have to even call a judge and get temporary guardianship for you (they can do this in minutes. For you it would be a lawyer, a court fight, 10,000, a loss and debt for life, but a social worker can wave a want and make it happen).
I am so sorry. For you ALL, and especially your poor Dad. Not everything can be fixed. Not everything can end with a feel good moment.
Helpful Answer (17)
Kryste Nov 2020
Thank you for being honest. Dad had always been one to never let anything keep him down and this has shaken me to my core. He's always been the strong shoulder I could lean on, the prankster who made everyone laugh, the person who taught me everything he knew because he "didn't want his daughter to have to be dependent on anyone". I read the answers on here and spoke with my fiancé, we've decided to get a nanny cam to record the episodes- one reason is for proof of what is happening outside of the short videos I've already shown the doctors and the other is for our own protection, especially if this continues as it has been.
If you are dads durable power of attorney and medical power of attorney, and his Dr's have his mental decline notated in his records, then you should be able to get dad placed in a memory care facility, whether he wants to go there or not. It's really not up to him anymore, as it's clear he's not able to make his own rational decisions. You have to do what is first, in the best interest of you, your fiance, and your son, and second what is in the best interest of dad. Things are only going to get worse and you really are not equipped to deal with all that his care does and will entail. You've done the very best you could for the last 4 years, and now it's time to let those that are trained in caring for folks with mental decline take care of dad. You cannot continue with the way things are going. I believe you already know that.

Oh and another thing, if dad ends back in the hospital for any reason, you can refuse to take him back home, stating that you just can't care for him anymore, and they will have no choice but to place him in a facility. I believe you can also do that by taking him to the ER(it's called an ER dump), and saying the same thing, that you just can't care for him in your home, and they(the hospitals social worker)will have to find a facility to place him in. Wishing you the best, and please take care of yourself.
Helpful Answer (6)
AlvaDeer Nov 2020
The problem here I think is that the doctors are calling this "depression" which would mean Dad can say what he likes. Clearly it is so much more. You and I sure do agree that the ER Dump may be the ONLY way out of this, and I hate that.
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Just to cover all the bases, was he checked for UTI? These infections in the elderly are frequent and often the symptoms are only behavioral/cognitive and less physical. If he has one, antibiotics will clear it up. Make sure you find the answer to would be a very "simple" answer with a "simple" solution and has a clear diagnosis. I wish you peace and rest and solutions!
Helpful Answer (2)
Kryste Nov 2020
I can't get him to go to his doctor to get checked. We have to use a lift to put him in his wheelchair, and then again to get him in/out of the vehicle. When he starts flinging his good arm and half leg around, it becomes dangerous for him and us. He has opened the door on the truck while going down the road, thankfully he forgot he had a seatbelt on. He doesn't qualify for transport because he doesn't have medicaid. I was hoping by calling the doctors with his symptoms, one of them would assist with getting ordered emergency assistance.
" When I call his doctor, I get referred to the neurologist, who refers me to the psychologist, who tells me it's my fault for not being understanding of dad's depression and anxiety and then ups dad's meds."

You need to visit your own doctor, so that they can tell you that you must take care of yourself.

It is not right that your 10 year old son can't get enough sleep. You are endangering his physical (and probably mental) health.

Follow the advice already written -- do the ER dump.
Helpful Answer (8)

How absolutely awful for your family!

I am so sorry. I hear about ER dumps but I have known of cases where the nurses were instructed to put a patient in a cab and sent them home.

He has lived with you. Your house is considered his home.
Helpful Answer (2)
rovana Dec 2020
But if it is your home, you should be able to evict him. Sounds harsh but what else can you do to get him the help he refuses?
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You mean a Psychiatrist? I have never heard of a Psychologist being able to prescribe medications. They are not MDs.

"One of the most notable difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist is that psychologists are not medical doctors. They do not have a medical degree and are not trained in general medicine or in prescribing medications."
Helpful Answer (1)
Kryste Nov 2020
Yes, sorry, I meant psychiatrist. It's been a extra rough week.
Have your Dad declared incompetent since his brain is affected and is not responsible enough to take care of himself! Good luck! You have a future that your Dad will ruin, maybe on purpose. He was never perfect and never will be which means he is always right. We were taught that our parents knew best. They did not always know because they too were raised by imperfect parents and so the cycle continues!
Helpful Answer (4)

Sorry you're going through these struggles. I can just imagine the sense of dread and frustration that is filling the home because of these behaviors. I understand how something typically so simple, like taking someone to a doctor's appointment, turns into a HUGE production.

To check for a UTI, you might be able to call his doctor and ask them to order a test, and allow you to pick up a sample cup and drop it off once filled. This saves your dad a trip to the office. The docs for my parents allow this, and I sure do appreciate it! Of course, then you may have a struggle collecting the sample at home.
Helpful Answer (1)

Kryste this is more than you can handle Call 911 now. Tell them he is irrational, hallucinating and gasping for air. They will take him to the hospital for evaluation. When it’s time for him to be released, meet with the social worker and tell her that you can no longer care for him. If you decline to take him home, they will have to keep him until they find placement. You have to be strong and not take him home with you. This will only get worse before it gets better.
Helpful Answer (11)

Just in case anyone is interested you can test for a UTI at home. You can buy the test kits over the counter. Here is an example of the type of kit you want.
The important things to look at for a UTI are blood, leukocytes and especially nitrites. If nitrites are positive you definitely have a UTI. These dip sticks often check for glucose and ketones as well which is useful. They are extremely easy to use. Just dip the stick in a sample of fresh urine so it covers all the pads and lift it out again. Wait 30-60 sec and then match the colour of the pads to the chart on the bottle. Easy peasy. Also infected urine is often cloudy and can sometimes smell really rank. But not always.

I know this is so awful for you Kryste. Your adored wonderful dad is a different person. Yes he might be depressed but sometimes there just isn’t any medication that will help in circumstances like this. Has anyone considered sleeping tablets or similar for nighttime? Just so you can get rest? Although I normally don’t use benzodiazepines with my patients due to the addictive nature I sometimes will give a tiny dose for my nursing home patients with dementia when they are super agitated or just up every night unable to sleep. When used carefully they can be a godsend.
I’m praying for you and you family.
Helpful Answer (7)

Great idea. I had a wireless camera on my mom ($40 on Amazon). Great little camera. Easy to set up and download app. It was a blessing to us. We saw every crazy thing my mom would do as well as all the unsafe things that happened. Including a fall out of bed that resulted in 120 stitches to her forehead. But even that didn’t keep her down. Only after my brother went over and found a phone cord (special phone for low vision) wrapped around her neck in her bed at 2 pm did we decide she had to leave her independent living apartment out of safety concern. She balked at first. But is now in a residential assisted living care home (much cheaper than a facility) and loves it. The rates are based on levels of care. She is doing much better both mentally, emotionally and physically. Do it!! A picture paints a thousand words. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (6)

The next time your dad has to go to the Hospital, after he is admitted. let the Hospital know that you will not be able to have your dad back to your home, thst you are not able to care for him and talk with the Hospital Social Worker and let them know that your Dad can not be safely discharged to your care tgat they will have to find a home to zdmit him to.

Ans under no circumstance should you have him released to you.

They will have to find him a place because he can not live by himself and he has no other place to go.
Helpful Answer (4)

I am sorry you are going through this difficult situation. Please ask your self these questions:

1 - Are you, your fiance', your son safe with your dad's volatile outbursts?
Does you dad try to hurt you or others?
If not, then it is time for dad to be cared for in a long term care facility.

2 - Are you, your fiance', your son and your father able to get basic needs met to stay healthy?
7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep, 3 healthy meals, time for your own hygiene and care needs, health appointments and treatments, time to pursue hobbies and social life....
If not, then it is time for dad to be cared for in a long term care facility.

Sometimes the road to getting your father the care he needs - especially with psychiatric issues - is a hospitalization. Next time your dad threatens you, please call 911 to take him to the hospital for an involuntary admission to an inpatient psychiatric unit. With COVID, you most likely will not be able to visit him in the hospital. When social work contacts you about him, ask them to help you place him in a facility. Note: he will most likely not be able to have visitors for 2 weeks in a facility while they quarantine him for COVID. Most facilities are willing to make arrangements for you to have contact/visits after this 2 week period with "window visits", phone calls, "porch visits"...
Helpful Answer (5)

I can totally relate to your situation as we have my Mom with us and very similar circumstances. We believe she has dementia but no officials diagnosis and the Dr. has been not very helpful to say the least. She really does need to be placed some where that can better care for her because there are way to many issues to mention but we cannot continue to care for in our home. We have tried getting an in-home service to help but she will not either answer the door to let them in or if they do show up she goes to her room and locks the door which seems like childs behavior but I get it. As others have posted too I have considered the ER Dump as a last resort and have a feeling it may come to that sooner rather than later. Good Luck
Helpful Answer (1)

You need to take control of the situation.
You are allowing a person with dementia to control the situation - and this will never work to anyone's benefit or optimal health behavior.
Your dad cannot help it.
You need to come to a realization that there is just so much you can do - and if your dad continues to 'fight' you need to let it go.
Sounds to me that more meds would work to his benefit - and to the family who cannot get enough sleep.
I sense that your family needs to get into interim therapy with a therapist or social worker to learn how to manage his care - and not be drawn into a swirl of a deep black hole.
It seems like your dad needs restraints and needs to be placed in a home.
You owe it to yourself and your family to take charge and make decisions in the interest of everyone. If you get caregivers and your dad denies that care, so be it. We / you / no one is a magician with a magic wand. You need to learn to let go and focus on the well-being of yourself and your family. Gena.
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If he ever hits you with his hand or anything else, call 911. Don't foot around about how bad he is. Then refuse to take him back.
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Does your father have the ability financially to move out? If so, get started on that plan. Give yourself a deadline and don't let your father stand in the way. Simply state that he can no longer live with you (I hope you're not living with him?).

If he has no money, I'd call 911 the next time he's particularly aggressive or behaving bizarrely. You're putting up with a lot of intolerable behavior, so you've gotten used to it, but it's not normal and you don't have to tolerate it.

If dad won't temper his behavior, next step can be Medicaid and a SNF (if he can't take care of himself independently) or maybe a subsidized apartment with some home care from Medicaid.

You aren't required to take abusive behavior simply because he's your father and needs help. He doesn't get to dictate how you help him.
Helpful Answer (1)
Kryste Dec 2020
He receives his SS each month, however he's unable to get out of bed. Because he is entirely dependent, the laws here in Georgia say I can't force him to move out, if I do an er dump (suggested by others) it counts as elder abandonment/abuse, and that I have a filial duty to care for him. It feels like a catch-22. I'm in trouble if he doesn't go to the doctors or take his medication, yet I'm not allowed to forced him to. The last time I called 911, I was admonished for calling them, they said he needed to be unresponsive for them to do anything because if he can state his name and birthdate, he is allowed to refuse to go. The officers shrug off his treatment saying the don't see how a bedridden man is much of a threat. It's extremely frustrating.
you need to stand your ground with the doctors.....tell them that he needs more than just upping his meds.....I would check with social services to see about placement or ask about how to handle the outbursts.  if he is becoming violent he might need something to calm him.  do you have guardianship or POA of his health, if so, find a place that will take him and explain the situation.  all of these places have doctors that can prescribe something to calm him.  pretty soon, your child is going to be having issues and you must have a wonderful fiancé to be dealing with this.  I wish you luck and hope someone maybe has some more answers. (also is he doing it for attention, if so, lay the law down to him, but if he is developing dementia, that won't help).
Helpful Answer (1)
Kryste Dec 2020
I wish I had guardianship/POA. It would really help the situation. Every place I've contacted within a 2 hour drive has said that unless he agrees or his doctor will order it, they can't place him. His doctors tell me I'm being selfish in trying to place him because of Covid. I tried to explain he would actually be safer as it is a more controlled environment (one of my fiancé's jobs is at a truck stop and he's in constant contact with others). Social services refuse to help unless he will sign paperwork with them, which he refuses to do. I do sometimes feel as if he is doing it for attention, however when the neurologist signed him up for tele visits yesterday, I saw in his records that they have a diagnosis of vascular dementia with behavioral disturbance.
Imho, this is an unsafe situation for you. Do not hesitate to call 911 if need be. Prayers sent.
Helpful Answer (2)

You have a minor in your house. Dad needs to moved elsewhere ASAP. This is a matter of safety. Next time he is in the ER, refuse to take him back, as he constitutes a danger to you and your child. Call 911 if he is ever violent with you or your family. Start eviction proceedings. This living arrangement is not safe for your son.

A 10 year old can not be exposed to this.
Helpful Answer (4)


Have you talked to an elder attorney? If so, what have they advised?

You saw that your dad has a diagnosis of vascular dementia and behavioral disturbances. What about using an elder care attorney to help you get guardianship and then immediate placement?
Helpful Answer (1)
Kryste Dec 2020
I have done a free consult, which is when I was informed that I am pretty much stuck between a rock and hard place unless the doctors decide to order admittance or dad decides to allow placement. We are not financially able to pay for an attorney to help.
Any chance your father qualifies for hospice? Ask your doctor if he she would be willing to sign the necessary papers to qualify him. They could possibly have a bed available in a hospice facility that would take him out of your home. They also offer support in other ways that could help. Good luck.
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If you do take him to ER and refuse to take him home, stick to it. They will offer you all kinds of help, but it will never materialize. Just keep repeating that it would be an UNSAFE DISCHARGE. Those are the magic words that will get the help you need.
(26 year career EMS).
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Search for a new doctor.......
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I agree with what others have said. You need to put your family first and you also must allow yourself to enjoy some time for yourself and your family outside of the home. Can you get volunteer church member or maybe some palative care from the doctor? Someone who can come and give you a few hours of peace in your day. Your son can not be exposed to all this for an undetermined period of time. He will have anxiety and other mental issues as a result. Get POA for your dad if you do not already have it and put yourself first so that you can be the mom, fiancee and have the life you deserve. You can not be your dads legs, arms or his happiness.
The best of luck on this journey. You have many blessings in your life with your son and fiancee. That is your focus that is your life, go live it. You have been a wonderful daughter and we can not fix our parents once they become so broken.
Keep us posted and all the best.
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Awe, my prayers and heart goes out to you. I am lucky I guess, my parents went to an attorney and had everything completed before they needed too. Power of Attorney’s. Sister’s on the checking account that pays their bills now. Everything in a Trust already. You make me feel so thankful for all that. My Mom has Parkinson’s, Dementia, and going on her second year of surviving breast cancer. Her Neurologist is a specialist in Parkinson’s with Dementia and he has her taking medication that has slowed downed her Dementia, but it’s getting bad again. I need to contact him to see if we can increase it again. She refuses at times to go to her appointments. I mean works herself up so bad she is sick and can’t go. I am not sure why. I think she is afraid COVID. Dementia has changed her whole personality and it makes me cry. I miss my old Mom. Luckily he hasn’t started hallucinating yet. That goes with Dementia. Has your Dad been tested for that? I have gotten to where I don’t tell Mom where we are going. She knows once I get off the exit, but I saved her all anxiety and fight but not telling her ahead. I feel like I am being so mean when I do that, but it’s worked. Do you have POA over your Dad so you can make medical decisions for him? My parents PCP also is a Geriatricians (medical doctors who specialize in the care of senior citizens) which is so very helpful! She calls me on the phone when I need to talk to her about either my Mom or Dad. My Dad is 80 and my Mom is 79. I pray that you can find as caring Doctors as I have found for my parents. I am praying for you and your family.
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I don't now who the main primary doctor is but that is who you must contact. Make it very known that you will NOT go to referrals - this is the doctor who must do something and that you and your family are being so negatively affected that something has to be done. If this fails, seek out another doctor - this may not be the right one for you. And get a Power of Attorney at once so you have some power. If doctors certify someone needs help in a facility, the patient can be made to go like it or not. Please seek out a new doctor if this one is not doing the job and start seeking out information from the local county Office on Aging.
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UPDATE- Everything seemed to escalate with Dad after I posted my question. I scheduled an appointment with his PCP, earliest available was Jan 5th and they would call if there were any cancellations before then. I began making sure I had video and audio evidence of what was happening, planning on going to the appointment and standing my ground until we received help.
Early Thursday morning, Dad fell out of his bed. As I called 911, I asked him what had happened and he said he just wanted to die. He was taken to the hospital and admitted on a 10-13 (psych). The ER Dr is wonderful. Dad broke his nose and has a UTI he is being treated for. The Dr asked for Dad's history and I told him everything, showed him some of the video, and that I'm not able to give him the care he needs. The Dr told me Dad would not be returning home with me, it may take some time, but he would help me get placement.
The psych intake caseworker was not as nice when she called. She said once Dad received a medical all clear, they would send him home in a cab if I refused to come get him or if I couldn't find him placement. When I received an update several hours after her call, I found we were assigned a different caseworker and she assured me I was not qualified to provide the level of care Dad needs and that they would find placement.
Dad is finally getting the help he needs. They have heard several versions of how he fell, they have seen and heard how he has been acting (he has a sitter in the room at all times and all male nurses). Now that he is getting treatment for the UTI, he is confused and lethargic about half of his awake time, and he is just waiting on placement.
I feel conflicted. Sad, guilty, relieved, angry. Dad's Christmas presents are wrapped under the tree and he may not even be allowed to have them depending on where he is placed. Yet I know this happening is the best gift he could have received as he will have the care he needs.
Helpful Answer (6)
SnoopyLove Dec 2020
This is a fantastic update! So glad to read this.

Yes, your father’s illness is sad and tragic but kudos to you for doing what’s necessary to help him and protect yourself and your family.
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Kryste, first of all THANK YOU for the update; so few ever apprise us of what is happening, what measures work for them, and that is so valuable to all and stops our wondering what is happening.
Dad may be better mentally after the UTI is treated, but that is certainly tip of iceberg. As to a person threatening to send Dad home when you have said you cannot accept him home, cannot care for him mentally or physically, and sending him would constitute an "UNSAFE DISCHARGE " (use those exact words) well that is very unlikely to happen. They will however do all they can to get you to say you will accept him home and they will promise things they cannot provide. We all get how hard now to find placement. BUT they must.
Is hospice being discussed? Dad has already expressed to you he wants peace, he is exhausted and there is little coming but torment of some degree.
As to "guilt" please exhange that word for "grief". You are not a felon. You are a loving and caring daughter doing the best you can and suffering as you see your Dad suffer. That is grief, not guilt. Guilt belongs to felons who do malice aforethought for the joy of hurting people. That's not you. Please don't put that label on yourself; you've enough pain to shoulder. Don't add that. I am so sorry for all you are going through. Stay strong. You will have to for now. You are in our thoughts.
Helpful Answer (4)
Kryste Dec 2020
Thank you. Everyone has been so helpful and it felt wrong not to update.
I am staying strong and other than the one lady who threatened to send him home, everyone else has said I am not qualified to care for him as he is and that it would be an unsafe discharge. It makes me feel as if perhaps that lady either didn't have all the information or maybe was just having a bad day.
They are not discussing hospice. At his time he will either go to the adult behavioral unit and then to a long-term care facility or straight to the long-term care.
I have realized is that not having any type of training made this harder. The care I gave him over the last 4 1/2 years was based off of instinct, what I could find online, and asking others in the profession. Honestly, those who don't do caregiving for a living don't understand how hard it is. I didn't and feel ashamed for that now.
A friend of mine suggested earlier today that I speak with a grief counselor. I think that is what I am going to do.
What amazingly great news!
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