
He is on hospice, which can be done at home. They are doing nothing at nursing home that we can't do at home. She just doesn't want to be caregiver which I can do & have hired people to help. I want to take him home with only days to live. How can I with her refusing? Do I have time to get POA revoked? I have witnesses family and non family that will sign saying they knew him to say he wanted to die at home.

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If your father is competent he can do as he wishes. If he is incompetent then his POA is the decision maker. The legal system cares mostly about your father being safe and receiving adequate care. The court is highly unlikely to overturn your father's POA on the basis that he has expressed a wish to die at home.

I suggest you stop arguing with your sister the POA and concentrate on making your father's end of life more pleasant. Decorate his room with some photos or knickknacks from his home, visit and talk with him about past good times or family members, rub lotion on his arms and legs, etc. Maybe bring his siblings or cousins for a visit if they are old enough to have transportation challenges.
Helpful Answer (11)

I hear the pain in your words and I am sorry that this family dissent is occupying your mind during Dad’s last days. Take a breath and think about what moving him to your home will involve. Goes without saying that he will require around the clock care. Ok, you probably can do that with help. Would you have help? What if Dad rallies and is around for more than “a few days”? Sometimes in the heat of the moment, people promise they will help...and then disappear. Do you have a job? Can you take an indefinite leave? Do you have family you must also care for?

Moving Dad from Hospice could be very traumatic for all involved, especially him. If he is on IV’s or oxygen, all those supplies will need to be moved. That includes his hospital bed and anything else he requires. Home Hospice Care will need to be set up. Medical transport will have to be arranged. All this takes time. While you are arguing with your sister and trying to get Dad moved and your home set up, you will be missing the chance to spend precious time with your father. I’m sure Dad is attached to his home, but it’s just a building, really. Right now, he’s more attached to you.
Helpful Answer (12)
Makinmecrazy May 2019
I did take care of my mother on hospice at home with bi pap machine. She had cancer. My dad has no machines and has dementia, & kidney disease. We have had hired help during the day while we work for 2 years and my brother, sister and I took turns staying in his home at night. He is really a lot less maintenance than my mom. And I wish that I could honor his final wishes. I have begged but not argued with my sister and actually am the only one spending any significant amount of time with him. The only one that has spent the night every night in 10 days so far & 30 minutes from where we live. My job will allow me to take leave also. I'm just hurt that she would do this and sorry that I can't do anything about it. I'm just spending every minute I can with him but missing my family because I'm not home. If he was home I could care for both.
I’m so sorry you are going through this. Unfortunately you can’t have have the POA revoked. The only way you can undermine your sister is if you seek guardianship and there isn’t enough time for that. Have you ever taken care of a hospice patient during their final days? Do you have any idea who physically and emotionally taxing it is? Do you have idea how much round the clock home care costs? What matters here is that your dad is being taken care of and kept comfortable. Focus on the time you have left and spend it with your dad.
Helpful Answer (5)

I did take care of my mother on hospice at home with bi pap machine. She had cancer. My dad has no machines and has dementia, & kidney disease. We have had hired help during the day while we work for 2 years and my brother, sister and I took turns staying in his home at night. He is really a lot less maintenance than my mom. And I wish that I could honor his final wishes. I have begged but not argued with my sister and actually am the only one spending any significant amount of time with him. The only one that has spent the night every night in 10 days so far & 30 minutes from where we live. My job will allow me to take leave also. I'm just hurt that she would do this and sorry that I can't do anything about it. I'm just spending every minute I can with him but missing my family because I'm not home. If he was home I could care for both.
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lkdrymom May 2019
This could be your answer. Your sister and brother took an active roll in caring for your mom and your sister may not want to repeat that. Just because you were ok with that does not mean she was. If you are willing to take on 100% of dad's care and not feel resentful that your siblings do not take an active roll then I see no reason why you should not have him in your home.
With Hospice there is a Social Worker assigned. Contact the Social Worker and see if they can help you.
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Makinmecrazy May 2019
Won't talk to me bc I'm not poa. Sister is only 1 that can sign him out.
Sorry you are going through this. Spend as much time with your Dad as you can. Even if it’s in the care facility due to your sisters wishes. It’s a shame but don’t waste your energy there. Your Dad needs your loving words and touch and you still can do that for him. Sending hugs your way. You’re a wonderful daughter.
Helpful Answer (2)

Makinmecrazy, there are time when one's wishes need to be changed due to changes in care. How many times I have read where a family promise their parents they would never put them into a nursing facility.

There comes a point when it can take a whole village to care for one person, even during hospice care. There is a lot involved with hospice, and with hospice and a nursing home comes experience which the family caregivers do not have.

Now, time to work as a team with your sister. One doesn't just decide on a moment's notice to move Dad into a nursing home, your sister had very good reasons for doing this. Finding out why may clear your head, and you may find yourself agreeing with her.
Helpful Answer (5)
Makinmecrazy May 2019
Her simple reply to me when I ask why was so we would not have to be round the clock caregivers. I told her my son and i would do every night she would not have to and we still are paying sitters every day even in nursing home. And I and my son are the only ones staying at night.
While dad is on hospice your sis did not put him there to die. She has him there because he will receive the care he needs. She did not feel able to provide it herself. How long had she been caring for him?
Helpful Answer (5)
Makinmecrazy May 2019
She got poa February 22 this year. She has no kids herself and my brother and I thought she'd have more time than us to do things. Such as dr appts & sign necessary papers he was no longer able to sign bc of dementia. We never dreamed she'd stick him in a nursing home.
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This is a very difficult time and a legal struggle won’t serve any productive purpose. (It will drive your family apart).

Go stay near your Dad and give him the love and support you would give him if he were in your home. You can even probably sleep in his room if you want.

(When you need a full night’s sleep, however, you can go home and rest).

This is is such an emotionally difficult time. The physical labor required is backbreaking. Enjoy being with your Dad and appreciate —1. The fact that you are not caring for him in your home is not your fault, and 2. The “being together” is the important thing. (The location is secondary).
Helpful Answer (9)
Makinmecrazy Jun 2019
I didnt fight with her. I did beg & plead my case to bo avail. She just ignored me. I stayed 24/7 until he passed. I was only one with him. I told both & they didnt come. I also asked funeral home to wait till they got there. My sister's reply was "just let them take him". My brother's reply was "what time do we make arrangements ". He worked until the time we made arrangements. Sadly they were both just waiting on him to die & were very selfish. I have no regrets & can sleep peacefully at night knowing I did all I could do.
That is one of the major issues in families. The one that is single with no children to provide care for is often assumed that they have the time and energy and fortitude and compassion and patience and perseverance, and it goes on and on, to provide the care. It is called taking advantage of a sibling. Of course, they become resentful and eventually will do what they need to in order to take care of themselves. I cannot imagine working a full day on a job to come home and continue to work at a thankless job of caring for an aging parent.

Enjoy your dad where he is while you can.
Helpful Answer (8)

Ok sit with down with a piece of paper, make a t square. One side is pro one side is con. What are the benefits versus the negatives.

This is very very difficult for all if us. Your parent is most likely not going to be lazarus. Hard to accept, but very true.

I don't mean to be unkind, but I do mean to be realistic. Take care if yourself. Peace to to, your Dad. You will make it through this. We will help you. Take care.
Helpful Answer (4)

Bring his favorite chair, blanket from his home. Set it up at hospice.
A picture on the wall?

Definition: Resign oneself
accept that something undesirable cannot be avoided.
synonyms: reconcile oneself to, become resigned to, become reconciled to, have no choice but to accept, come to terms with, learn to live with, get used to the idea of; give in to the inevitable, grin and bear it
"we resigned ourselves to a long wait"
patient, long-suffering, uncomplaining, forbearing, tolerant, stoical, philosophical, unprotesting, reconciled, fatalistic;
acquiescent, compliant, unresisting, nonresistant, passive, submissive, subdued, docile, phlegmatic;

You can do this.
Helpful Answer (4)

If you have only days left to share with your father, you don't want to waste any of that time fighting your sister. What's important to him now is comfort and love from all of you. Let the NH do the spadework while you focus just on him.
Helpful Answer (6)
Makinmecrazy Jun 2019
I didnt fight with her. I did beg & plead my case to bo avail. She just ignored me. I stayed 24/7 until he passed. I was only one with him. I told both & they didnt come. I also asked funeral home to wait till they got there. My sister's reply was "just let them take him". My brother's reply was "what time do we make arrangements ". He worked until the time we made arrangements. Sadly they were both just waiting on him to die & were very selfish. I have no regrets & can sleep peacefully at night knowing I did all I could do.
Makinmecrazy, my heart goes out to you and I understand your emotions but I think perhaps your emotions are clouding your reason because you are so close to the care giving situation. Of course you want to carry out your dad's wishes as best you possibly can and that can be very hard when every situation contingency hasn't been planned out ahead of time which of course is almost impossible. But perhaps making your sister POA was his way of planning for unforeseen events, he knew she could make this decision and was worried your heart couldn't. I doubt your dad wanted you or your son caring for him 24/7 rather than being free to know he is well cared for and just be with him when you visit while still attending to your life, under these circumstances. As you well know caring for someone who can't do anything for themselves including speak is a big job and there comes a point, which we as caregivers may not recognize, when the care giving drowns out the special time if you know what I mean. It sounds to me like your sister recognizes that it has reached that point and is trying to protect the opportunity for everyone including dad to get as much of that special time as possible before he passes, I think she is trying to take care of you as well as Dad to the best of her ability on behalf of dad which is her job as POA even though you don't agree and right or wrong that is a brave, strong, loving thing to do.

Let me ask, do you think dad is aware of his surroundings? Might he simply be aware that his needs are being cared for and perhaps that his family is around him? Isn't that "home" in the end, the loving arms of family? I hope you can find a way to get past this, even if you can't get to accepting this as perhaps the better situation it sounds like spending so much time and energy trying to change things now will only take away from the opportunity to just send time with him now without having to worry about anything other than that. I do understand where you are coming from and how difficult this is but my guess is the last thing dad wants is for you and your sister to be fighting too, I bet given the choice he would choose to pass where he is over leaving his children at odds with each other over him.

Sending good energy and love to all of you at this time.
Helpful Answer (8)
cherokeegrrl54 May 2019
Some very wise words..... thank you!
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When did your father pass away, Makin? I'm very sorry to hear it. I'm sure he must have been comforted by your being there.
Helpful Answer (2)
Makinmecrazy Jun 2019
Just 11 days after being put on hospice.
I agree with Countrymouse, you being there with him while he passed was all he really needed, in his mind no doubt he was home because his little girl was right there with him. I'm sorry for your loss but so glad to hear that in the end you were able to simply focus on the most important thing. Good for you, your dad passed blessed with love and family and that's really the best any of us can ask for, you provided that for him. Hugs to you.
Helpful Answer (4)

So sorry to hear about your Dad. Glad you were able to be at his side.

I just have to say though, Hospice at home is not like it is in LTC. At home the family has to be more hands on because the Nurse only comes to evaluate not to do care. An aide, just to bathe and maybe give the family members a breather. In my state, someone has to be with them 24/7. Maybe sister found she couldn't take time off from work to be 24/7 care giver. Employers are not always sympathetic to employees problems.

In the LTC, when Hospice is not there, the LTC staff takes over.
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