
when fully coherent both my parents clearly stated they chose me to care for them when the time comes. They both specificly said they did not want to live with my oldest sister . My mother became increasingly i'll with Parkinson's and Dementia and both my parents moved in with me and my family. Both of my parents signed forms stating I had Medical Power of attorney ( papers filed with hospitals) and my brother had financial power of atterney( papers filed with bank). My mother passed away last november. My father has since been diagnosed with Dementia, heart failure, kidney failure and is terminal. Against doctors advice my brother took my father to see my eldest sister in washington state and now will not bring him home. They have isolated jim's nd have blocked all calls from me and my family and my other sister and her family and well as my youngest brother. My brother canceled all
my dads dr appointments ( and did not reschedule) and also transferred his prescriptions to a pharmacy in washington and says my dad is now living in washington with my sister and my brother wants to come pick up my dads car dog and belongings.
what can i do.? i cant afford attorneys. But i also can't stand by and let my siblings disregard my fathers wishes and allow them to isolate him from the rest of his family.

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In your profile you state that you are the youngest daughter of 6. In your post, I see a total of 5 sibs mentioned (including you). Who is the 6th sibling? Where are all these siblings? Seems like it might be 2 sibs making all the decisions, and leaving the other 4 out completely?

What do your other siblings say about all of this?

I'm also wondering if there is more to this story.
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“But i also can't stand by and let my siblings disregard my fathers wishes and allow them to isolate him from the rest of his family.”

Is it possible you neglected your father? That would be a valid reason for your brother to take him away, saving him.

However, if you feel your brother had no valid reason, you can call the police for kidnapping. Call APS too. Why haven’t you yet?

If the police and APS don’t want to help, it might be that they agree that you father is better off with your brother and sister.

It is strange that you’re really insisting on taking care of him. Normally someone would be overjoyed (over the moon!) that a sibling takes over the extremely hard work.

I think there might be more to the story.

I also don’t see anywhere in your post, that you’re extremely worried about his health, now that he’s with your brother and sister.

Isolating him from you, is only allowed if you somehow neglected him and are a danger to him.
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If Dad is terminal than maybe he is getting Hospice care. Is this something you were against. You brother took Dad to another State for a reason. He has financial POA, could he have used it for his own purposes. or thinks by being POA he has some control after Dad passes? Well, POA stops after death. If a Will the Executor takes over and can ask the POA for a financial accting. If brother is the Executor has to give an accting before probate can be closed. Beneficiaries can always contest the accting.

No Will and there is an estate to probate, probate will assign a Administrator to carry out all the duties of an Executor the difference is...the State determines who gets what.

Just pack up Dads things and have them ready to be picked up. Make sure brother gets the title to the car. I would not even put the money out for a lawyer since Dad is terminal. Its not your fault brother is not abiding by Dads wishes. Let Dads final days be as peaceful as they can be.
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Often these problems are financial, in the following sense:
OP, do you lose financially now that your dad moved out? For example, your brother wants to pick up dad’s car. You don’t work. You have no car. And without you being able to use dad’s car, life will be more difficult for you?
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