
I don’t know how to start so please bare with me, my dad was diagnosed with vascular dementia 3 1/2 years ago however I believe dad has has this a lot longer. The past couple of weeks have been getting worse regarding confusion. Dad does have a social worker and carers coming in twice a day to give him his medication, my sister and I give dads mid day medication... he has been refusing to have a shower, I understand not feeling at yourself and not wanting a shower as I suffer from clinical deep depression along with a mountain of other things as does my sister. This past couple of days, well yesterday my dad rang me, he didn’t know where he was, what day it was or what time it was or where family members where... god love him, he was in such a panic so myself and my husband drove out to him and reassured dad that he was ok and wasn’t on his own (dad lives on his own, my mum passed almost 15 years ago) we sat with dad for a couple of hours and once dad was settled, we came home, this morning I had missed calls from my dad so when I finally got him on the phone, he said, people had been in his bungalow and got his money and threw all the notes on the living room floor.... no one was in dads, obviously he’d got up at some stage and took his money out and done this? Dad has been going away back in years, maybe 30/40 years and talking about relations that are no longer here... the past few days dad has been saying he needs to go to the doctor and I ask him why, he keeps telling me, his dementia is getting worse and it is, we know this but I was talking to my dad earlier and he said if he had been drinking and out, he would swear he had been spiked! Dad wasn’t out and wasn’t drinking, is this a new stage to this horrible dementia? Dad also said today that no matter what he eats or drinks, everything tastes sugary? Thank you all in advance for your help x

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Your father needs a CT scan. Call his GP straight away and tell the receptionist what you've told us. Do it now, then please come back to us and let us know how you get on.

I read what you say about the attempted MRI - they'll have to try again, that's all. Make sure the radiographer is aware that your father has vascular dementia; if this is an NHS hospital, they should have a policy in place. Good luck! Be a squeaky wheel!
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This sounds like a TIA to me, I would do what it takes to have him checked out.
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Chest infections (& UTIs) can cause delirium in elderly - maybe was that? Or TIA - maybe?

Safety wise: what's his cooking set up? Do you feel he's safe around the cooktop, kettle etc? Has he wandered out of his home?

Just keep an eye on him as you are.

Not wanting to shower is common unfortunately. A kind caregiver, patience & compromise is needed. (My Mum now only showers Mon & Fri).

Best wishes.
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Can you get Dad to the Doctor? Or call Doctor, mention symptoms & ask if better to go to Emergency Care? Mention the sugary taste (? stroke).
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Dementia always gets worse, although those with vascular dementia can remain stable for a long time as long as the underlying condition is kept under control - with my mom it was a series of invisible strokes (TIAs) over decades and a wonky heartbeat from a previous heart attack. Except for the very early stages it isn't safe for people with any kind of dementia to live on their own, I think it is time for you to implement your plan B (you do have a plan in place for when he reached this point, don't you?)
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My 92 year old mother with dementia started acting markedly worse after she'd suffered a stroke last October. Get your dad to the ER for a bunch of tests and find out if he's had a stroke, etc. Then you can let the social worker know your concerns about him living alone & he/she can help you find placement for him, which sounds like a necessity at this point in time.

Best of luck!
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Thank you for your replies, I really don't know what to do, yesterday I asked Dad "Did you enjoy your dinner?" he said "I did" I said "Everything tasted ok? Did anything taste sugary?" he said "No, nothing tasted sugary" When we got out to Dad's, he was full of energy - had no memory of what happened regarding his money etc... was in good form however is saying my Mum (who has passed almost 15 years) has been kicking him out of bed!
When Dad was in the hospital, they tried to do an MRI on him but he wouldn't stay still so they couldn't get to see clearly. It's really horrible when you feel totally useless... I know every day can be different but he didn't mention about feeling like someone spiked his drink even though he wasn't out and wasn't drinking. My Dad also has a wonky heartbeat and has had a few heart attacks.
My brother-in-law took Dad out on Saturday and Dad bought 2 new cups which he can't remember getting and so he thinks someone got him them.
Dad does have a zimmer frame but tends to lean over the left side for some reason and is convinced the zimmer needs changed.
Last Monday he did have a chest xray because he'd had a chest infection. I'm lost at this point as to what to do because he really wasn't good last week in himself and now he seems more himself, very confusing :( x
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