
Married for 20 years my stepfather (88) and mother (82) lived on a rural property about 35 min from me. He was the primary cook and general caregiver for my mother.

Last fall he became ill and was hospitalized. Subsequently went to rehab to gain his strength back. Was released from rehab but still needed care. Tried a home visit, but clearly wasn't going to be enough, needed more help so we went to ALF. Since mother wanted to be with him she moved there also. He moved into the ALF and within 24 hours was told he needed hospitalization and died a week later on Christmas Day. With the help of my siblings and her siblings she agreed that she shouldn’t move back to the rural address. We sold the property.

So now mom was in the ALF but living as an independent. I had her briefly evaluated by her doctor who said she had mild cognitive impairment. In addition mom has multiple chronic issues (among them instability, high blood pressure, diabetes (uncontrolled), glaucoma, macular degeneration ) takes lots of medication and needs a walker. I look at her medication boxes regularly, there is usually a couple of days missed, but she fills them on odd days. I planned to get her medications administered to her by the ALF in the next few weeks, but didn’t know how to approach her with this.

I’m afraid of making my mother feel like an invalid.

In the middle of this last few months after losing her husband, her home, and her dog (run over in the middle of this) there was another death in the immediate family.

Mom’s outlet has always been a sewing club at a church where she used to live. I’ve taken her there a few times and she knows it’s too far away. We’ve attended a different places locally but she couldn’t see the screen and it was a modern type service which she couldn’t follow. She hasn’t wanted to go back.

One day she says she’s been enjoying the ALF and has started to make new friends. They have tons of activities at the ALF, but she doesn't always want to participate. She stays in her apartment a lot. Then on another day she has talked about missing her friends, that the ladies she eats with at the ALF aren’t really her friends.

Just recently she got invited to a bday party with friends from old church. Upon getting there she asks if there’s any ALF nearby. They all say yes and they decide to go and look at the place. Two hours later Mom promptly calls me and says she is thinking of moving there to be by her friends. She misses them. The friends she has made at the ALF aren't her real friends she's had for over 15 years. I’ve tried to get her connected and we've been to another church she didn't like. I also contacted another church and they are reaching out to her. But it will take awhile.

The place she wants is over an hour away from me. I don’t have children but I am a school administrator and can’t take off of work all of the time. I’ve taken more time off in the last several months. I can't be running up there all the time.

Am I being selfish?

When we spoke on the phone mom said my husband and I had our own lives to live. This has always been the case, my mom has always been independent and gave me the courage to do the same thing….but she needs help! I have tried to preserve her independence and respect her wishes as long as possible. She doesn't realize how much help she needs.

I am torn because I want her to have quality of life, however long that may be, and I want to preserve her independence. Yet I have to be near her and be able to work with the facility where she is living while she's still "independent" as she says. She's really not all that independent.

Any advice out there for how to talk her off the idea of this? Or am I wrong? Do we all have the right to live where we want as long as we can?

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This is a tough one for me as I can understand both sides. Being closer to you is both comforting for you and your mom. And with your work & home life, it is also convenient - no small thing. But as I recently retired, I do empathize with your mother. I miss my co-workers - many of which I worked with for several years. I also miss the work and the whole world of "the office". As I'm younger and quite independent, I can meet them for lunch or dinner whenever.
A friend (POA for her father ) lives about 2 hours from him ( in NH): she & NH admin do Care Meetings via phone. She & her husband make the trip to visit once a month or so. Hoping you can come to a decision that works for both of you.
Helpful Answer (2)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
Thanks peace416

I appreiate it
This jumped out at me: your mom has uncontrolled diabetes, dosen't take her meds properly, is visually impaired and has some cognitive impairment, unspecified. You're not the one making her into an invalid. Old age is doing that. You're trying to get her proper care.

Is she private pay at these ALFs? How long will her money last? Do they accept Medicaid after a certain period of private pay? Are either of these facilities campus-type arrangements with Memory care and NH facilities?

How often has mom been hospitalized in the past year?

Does your mom understand that if she moves back to her town, you will be unable to take her to doctors, show up in the ER and can only visit twice a month?

Can mom manage this move on her own?

I don't think you're being selfish. I think that you are looking realistically at the future and your mom is not.

There is no easy answer here. But lay the situation out for your mother and see if she seems to understand the subtleties of the situation.
Helpful Answer (7)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
Thank you for the response.

Yes private pay. Has resources for some time but are all in my name which she does not have access. Also when diagnosed properly has a good long term care policy I will activate. All total more than 10 years.

Yes ALF are part of a large well known corporate entity. The one she lives in has memory care, the one she wants does not. This is part of the reason I chose it.

Mom not hospitalized in last year. 1.5 years ago had a fall, only went to the ER.

I plan to tell her all of this about the drs and can't visit as often. I don't know that

Mom can't move on her own. It was a huge endeavor to move her there over the last few months. Kept wanting things from the property we sold then a week later would ask me to get rid of them. I seriously don't plan on helping her if she insists. She would have to do it all herself. That sounds mean but its just such a bad idea.
Youre NOT being mean. You're being practical.

It sounds like mom is beyond the " mild cognitive impairment" stage.

I wouldn't lift a finger to move her. " we'll see." "Let me look into that" and " we need to ask the doctor about that" are all good responses.

Another thing. I'd be curious to see if those friends step up to help. We kept my mom in an Independent Living place near her old address so her friends could visit. Didn't happen. My mom, not a social butterfly at all, eventually made friends in IL.
Helpful Answer (10)
TaylorUK Apr 2019
I don't hear anything in OP that suggests mom is beyond mild cognitive impairment and in need of regular medication / food intake monitoring. Which are probably best served by a once a month or every couple of months appointments with her general physician. Your experience with your mom's friends is not a given general situation - my mother (90) is a social butterfly (you use that term, I tend to say she needs superficial socialisation - i.e. she would like to see 4 people a day for 10 minutes rather than two people a week for two hours or even all day!!) It is horses for courses - and one has to give one's elderly relative the choice if they are able to make one mentally. Its their life not ours.
I don't think you're being selfish to question this. The fact that she was motivated enough to go look at another place and seems enthusiastic about it is very positive and I guess a bit surprising to me (as most elders seem extremely opposed to any kind of ALF). But I think Barb is right to wonder how often these friends will show up and to point out that your mom's condition is already bad. And its only going to become more challenging as time passes, which will inevitably mean more time required of you. I also like Barb's suggestions for distraction and delay. Good luck!
Helpful Answer (4)
SparkyY Apr 2019
I agree about wondering how often friends will show up. At that age you never know what's going to happen the next day. That being said, her friends aren't going to be taking care of her and if she's in a AL that's comparable to the one she's coming from and the OP gets her to let them treat her issues (they may have better luck than her husband did?). I don't see how an hour would be that much of a difference than the 10 or 15 minutes she's away from mom now. If she's spry enough to have jump started this endeavor on her own I wouldn't want to waste any time fighting especially when it's so often a fight to get our loved ones to be ok with going to an ALF in the first place.
The way I see it is: as long as a person wants to live a certain way, place, etc., AND they do not need other people to enable that choice, then they can do as they like. But if a person needs help, then they must consider the needs of the person who is helping them.   It is simply fairness. How competent to decide is your mom? Have you talked frankly to her about her health issues and the need for you to help her? Would the new nursing home have services to monitor medication?   And of course, just how old are her friends? Seen situations where the friends are on the edge of no more independent living themselves.
Helpful Answer (5)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
My mom is very capable but then has times where she's not to some degree but how much is yet to be determined. Don't have a neurology appt until the end of the month. We talked about me helping her and yes the other facility is full ALF but no memory care should she get worse. Yes all of her friends are 80's and not much better. They wouldn't have come there often either, but would see her at church and her sewing group. She has chosen not to move, and so it's ok.
I think if you have a look at the ALF near her friends and are satisfied with the standard of care and attitudes of staff, then you need to sit down with her and make a pros and cons list for each facility and let her choose - she may well be much happier back within easy access of her old friends. Whilst I don't think you are selfish wanting her near you, I do think that your priorities may be wrong as far as your mother's needs and happiness are concerned. I am sure she is very happy to have you close, but you still both have your own lives, let her choose hers as you will one day want to choose yours.
Helpful Answer (4)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
This was sound advice. thanks so much for your consideration and mode of operation. I would probably have done this. She has chosen not to move, and so it's ok.
Not selfish but your mom has taken the time to go with her friends to look at ALF closer to where she used to live? Very unusual but I would definitely be happy if my mom were still able to do that. It would be like a miracle. As long as your mom still has the wherewithal to act on her own and the fact that she's not moving to an apartment but to another ALF that's only an hour away from you and it's her idea and it would make her happy I would say can I help you pack mom?
Helpful Answer (3)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
Thanks for your kind consideration. She has chosen not to move, and so it's ok.
I think you should go and have a look at the facility she's interested in, before you rule it out. See what you think of it.

You already know your mother is in favour. She has the right to make this decision, so the least you can do is take the idea seriously.

Then, it has the advantage of being within practical visiting difference of a much wider social circle.

Then, there are other pros and cons to weigh up and compare with her current ALF. Do a check list, perhaps - continuing care, range of activities, customer reviews, cost, quality of environment, food, etc. etc.

Then, just supposing you are really impressed and agree it's a good idea, it's an hour away. That is actually the ideal distance when you are engaged and involved in your mother's care, but don't want her to become her emotional and physical life support system. You're near enough for regular visits and emergencies, but not so near you'd feel guilty for not going every day.

Anyway - you're a long way off being stuck with a decision you can't work with. But yes I think you must explore this idea, not just shoot it down.
Helpful Answer (4)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
Thanks for your kind words. I actually considered this facility when choosing the one she is in. It was ruled out due to availability of 2 beds needed at the time, and my stepdad said he didn't want to be that far away. It did not have memory care should she need it so that was another reason. She has chosen not to move, and so it's ok.
This is a hard question to answer. She is already 82. No one knows how many years she has left. Of course, she misses her friends but you want to be able to be close enough to monitor her care. I don’t know what I would choose. I wish you well and feel that you will make the right choice because it’s obvious if you are so concerned that you reached out for help that you care very much. All the best to you and your mom. Many hugs!
Helpful Answer (1)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
Thanks for your kind words.
There are problems either way, and some of them have no solution.

One thing that jumps out at me is how fast this has all been. If I'm understanding the story correctly, a year ago she was happily living in a rural home with a husband who took care of her. Last fall he got sick and by Christmas he had died. After just a week in the ALF selected for his situation, she agreed to sell her home.

Four months later she realizes she wants to be near her friends and has actually found an ALF that would make that possible.

This sounds like a person with MILD cognitive impairment, recognizing her limitations as far as making new friends or getting involved with a new church, and trying to make the best of it.

As to medications ... if she's taking "a lot" of meds at age 82, it might be smart to ask her doctor to re-evaluate and see which can be dropped. Many medications that make sense for someone in their 60s to prevent longterm problems may make less sense for someone in their 80s. Sometimes taking too many meds can be the cause of cognitive impairment, and reducing the pill burden can be a noticeable, even measurable improvement.

She's grieving a lot of losses right now -- her husband, her home, her notions about her own mortality -- why should she have to lose her friendships on top of that?

You're not going to stand by her every day to make sure she takes her meds on time (that would drive both of you crazy). The ALF can make sure she takes the important ones on schedule. You might both be happier if she has her friendships instead of having to rely on you for everything.

And then there's the question of self-determination. Even a person who has mild cognitive impairment at 82 is entitled to make their own choices. She's not going to live forever no matter what you do, which sometimes we 'children' forget.
Helpful Answer (5)

You can't fight City Hall and All...Let her Go. Give her Quality of Life with no Strife, Work it Out..An hour away isn't That Much to Keep Mom happy for now anyways...Contact the facility she is in and arrange Some Sort of "Look in," And try and get on the Same page with No rage. Mom will be Happier and won't make your life a Living hell right now where you are Taking Time to Write here, Dear, Taking time out of your Own at Home Busy Schedule...
Helpful Answer (3)

I think many of us would want your “problem” - loved one wants to be in an ALF. Many of us have the opposite problem. Consider yourself lucky!

If you want to preserve her independence, let her have this cake and eat it too. She will have friends to socialize and safety in a secure environment. Imagine your mom being in her own apartment in your neighborhood and she fell or got sick, you’d spend a lot more time with her - a luxury you do not have. At ALF, she will have some kind of help from staff.

So, no, you are not being selfish. You are a very loving daughter who cares about her mom. How many parents can say that? Let her have this last wish.
Helpful Answer (4)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
Yes I realize that not everyone will go along with ALF. She's still together enough to know she needs help but since she lives there as an "independent" (basic services fee only ) she is OK with it. As she needs more services I will employ those but for now..well... She has made the decision that she doesn't want to move after all, but thanks for your kind words.
Your mom will be happier and the distance will be good for you, too! My dad's facility is only 5 minutes away so when I take "me" time I feel guilty because he's so close and I "should" go there and visit. My mom lives alone but really shouldn't, and has told me she will commit suicide if I try to move her to any other living arrangement. She lives down the street from me. I would give anything to have some breathing room and live ALOT farther away!
Helpful Answer (3)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
She has made the decision that she doesn't want to move after all, but thanks for your consideration. This is lucky because last night she called me and asked me to call 911 and we spent all night in the ER.
This is a tough one. I understand wanting her near to you because it would be terribly inconvenient for you to have to run an hour away. Yet you want to make her happy. My concern is that she moves there to be near her friends and they don't visit as often as she assumed or they end up sick and cannot visit. Then what?

My father wanted to move into assisted living. My husband and I pre-screened a lot of placed but then let my father pick. After he was there a year he was unhappy and tried everything to get me to move him some place else. He had no idea how much work it was to move him. The worst part was he tried to convince he me was doing me the favor by moving.

At 82 I say she is still young enough to make her own decisions. If she wants to move she needs to make the arrangements. Make sure she understands your visits now will only be twice a month. No more running her to the doctor and you will only show up for life threatening ER visits. (My father goes to the ER over nothing or very minor stuff...I stopped going years ago).
Helpful Answer (1)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
Exactly. They wouldn't visit as often, and I'm the one that will and POA and and and...she has made the decision that she doesn't want to move after all, but thanks for your kind words. This is lucky because last night she called me and asked me to call 911 and we spent all night in the ER.
Our stories are similar: my step dad and mom both had dementia ,lived an hour from me . long story short he had been in a nursing home since last August . I moved my mom to an AL 1/2 mi from me and she’s been there a month , he passed away last week . My mom is good natured , pleasant and does not know she looks so much better in just the month she’s been there . She can be pretty spiteful and negative with me but I’ve had to be the bad guy . There is a very nice group she hangs out with , she goes to activities , eats 3 meals a day , has her little dog , I’m there all the time . I love the other residents . Of course she misses her home ( getting it ready to sell ). At her home Occasionally someone would stop by to say hi but I was the only one shopping , managing bills , getting him on Medicaid , dr appts and on and on . She had been driving up til her move and she misses that independence but it was time to give that up . If there was a lot of her friends or our family that would come see her I would have gotten a place there and I debated heavily . One day I just made the decision that I’m the only one doing anything , no one is coming by regularly , I’m the POA, I checked with my brother ( lived close to her but hardly there ) and he was ok with her moving away so I found a place close to me . It’s hard and I question the decision but I’ve had more than a few say I made a good decision . My mom looks good , sometimes everyday is like a new day in some ways for her and I see her smiling , interacting , being compassionate with the others ( she’s a retired nurse ) I’m afraid she s gone a step further with her dementia since his death last week and things won’t get better . Weve never been close and I wish her final years could be spent with us enjoying time together . There are good days and bad days to come .
Good luck and God bless ya !
Helpful Answer (1)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
Your reply was so helpful. My stepfather was pretty lucid up until the 2 days before he sad. Luckily my mom's reasoning skills are not totally shot so when everyone in her life told her to not move back to the rural property she was ok with that. IMy stepdad empowered me to find the ALF to begin with when he was moving there. And mom did everything he said. Plus i'm the only child who lives within 1500 miles so the decision was mine.
This is a tough one.....but first let me say, as others are most fortunate mom understands AL is the best living situation for her. Wish mine would be so open minded. That said, whether living at home or in AL, the elderly often times don’t recognize what is best for them....and their loved ones. Since were she is now MC being part of the facility is very important moving forward. Cognitive decline only gets worse with time....and with her other health issues, staying in place is probably the best thing for her. I understand how she would want to be nearer to her social circle and how she misses her friends, but to move an hour away from you seems misguided. She is very fortunate to have you so near to her and caring for her well being as you do. While we want to make our parents last years as happy as possible, circumstances often dictate how best to achieve that. Hopefully you can convince mom to make the best of her situation and hopefully she
understands that being her daughter....your happiness and peace of mind is also part of the equation. Best wishes....I hope this all works out for you and mom.
Helpful Answer (1)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
She has made the decision that she doesn't want to move after all, but thanks for your kind words. Yes she's with it enough to know that she shouldn't be alone and especially out on that rural property. Luckily she had already agreed to move into it due to her husband's health. When he passed and she agreed that it was the best place as she wasn't alone. This is lucky because last night she called me and asked me to call 911 and we spent all night in the ER.
I say do not move her further away from you. I played that game for over a year and it was horrible knowing that mom was an hour away if I needed to get to her. Here is why and although every situation is different, please consider this. Are those "friends" going to be with her every day? Will they be willing to take her on outings and would you want them to? My experience has been friends may say I'll visit, but visiting even in the best ALF situation is uncomfortable for visitors. It is human nature to not want to go because it's an uncomfortable situation to be around residents who might be further along and more infirmed than your mom. You might make arrangements for mom to visit with them once a month or more frequently if you can manage it.
Helpful Answer (2)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
She has made the decision that she doesn't want to move after all, but thanks for your kind words. This is lucky because last night she called me and asked me to call 911 and we spent all night in the ER.
I will add that having friends is very important to some of the elderly and can enhance quality of life. My father who had to move from AL to LTC grieves losing his friends and I think it had a major impact on his decline. Think of yourself in a similar situation. Whichever facility she ends up living in should definitely be administering her meds. This is one of the reasons for being in AL and I’m surprised a facility would allow her to do it on her own. You mention uncontrolled diabetes which is a risk factor in dementia. You might use this as a weapon to get her to comply with them giving her meds. If nothing else tell her this is the policy of the facility.
So you are an hour away but she is in a place being taken care of which is the reason for being in AL. Write down what you are doing that can be managed either at a distance or done by the facility. They should be offering outings for shopping. I often would have Amazon ship things to dad even though I was 7 miles away so it would be there when he wanted it. There are ways around this. Don’t make any hasty decisions as I realize what a chore it is to move someone having done this 4 times with dad. If you do move her, use a Senior moving company to handle it. It totally is worth it.
Helpful Answer (4)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
She has made the decision that she doesn't want to move after all, but thanks for your kind words.
Don't. Just don't. Trying to convince her to stay near you is being selfish on your part. She needs that empowerment to keep living her life on her terms. I think she'd want you to do the same when you get to be her age. Phones were invented for a reason, I suggest you use one daily with the AL she wants to live in. Hope this helps you gain some perspective.
Helpful Answer (5)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
She has made the decision that she doesn't want to move after all, but thanks for your consideration.
My suggestion for the medication problem is pill packs. My mother is very independent and won’t let me do her pill boxes and REFUSES to allow the ALF to do it. So now I have her pills coming once a month and they are labeled by day and time. She can take the on her own!
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2019
My mom does her own meds. Her nurse and primary doctor tell me not to take that independence away.

Those pill packs would be convenient.
See 1 more reply
In our church we have several older people that their family lives far away. These older members know that they can contact another member if there is an emergency. Then notify their family immediately. But people must be willing to share the tasks.
Example: One member (has since passed) lived here and her son lives in the next state. The member had one of those medical alert necklaces and when she would fall the first person (one of our members) on the list would be contacted, that person would go over and see what was happening and call the son.
Perhaps if you could work out a system with a few friends it could work.
Helpful Answer (4)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
She has made the decision that she doesn't want to move after all, but thanks for your kind words. The friends aren't much better off than her, but had they been maybe it would have worked.
I would not try to talk her out of moving. She needs her friends and familiar routines. She's missing them - friends, church, familiar activities. If vision is a problem, then the familiar friends and routines are even more important. It sounds like she would be very happy in the former town with her old friends and church. Yes, an hour's drive is difficult for you and it may feel like you're too far away to help. But, she will have the help she needs in the ALF along with her friends and church members. You can participate by phone and email with the ALF staff. I know it may feel uncomfortable at first, but I think you will see that your mother will be happy and cared for.
Helpful Answer (2)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
She has made the decision that she doesn't want to move after all, but thanks for your kind words. This is lucky because last night she called me and asked me to call 911 and we spent all night in the ER.
So on the other side of this. I actually commute more than 35 min to work daily so to me that distance is minimal. My mother lived 90 minutes away, I applied for FMLA at work so I could attend her medical appointments. Her physicians were great about getting us in on a Monday or Friday so I could go for the weekend and be there. Once we had her specialist in place we scheduled a visit to her Primary that morning. We made a day of it, after the 1st appointment we had a 45 minute drive, we’d find a place for lunch, go to her Cardiologist, do a little shopping and if needed see the Oncologist or Surgeon. When we got her home I made sure she had something easy for dinner and updated her calendar for her next appointments, made sure her medications were right and filled her pill boxes for the next two weeks.. She got to stay in her community and with people she knew and those that looked out for her. Her sister was able to visit and would stay with her during the week. They went to basketball games at the school and one of my childhood friends checked in with her when she visited her father.
Helpful Answer (1)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
She has made the decision that she doesn't want to move after all, but thanks for your kind words.
I am sorry to hear that the Alf your mother wants to live in is so far away.

It is totally NOT selfish of you to want her nearby. I think it is normal to want her nearby for both convenience and so you can keep an eye on her. So please do not beat yourself up about this.

Personally, however, I do think she will be happier in the ALF closer to her church, sewing circle and friends.

If her friends are near by they can fulfill her need for an emotional connection and you can ask them to keep you posted, if your mother is in dire need of anything.

Friendships keep people emotionally healthy and emotionally healthy people are often more physically resilient.

If your mother is healthier, you will not have to visit as often.

You can also stay in close touch with the ALF admins by phone, text and email.

As others have mentioned, can you enlist the cooperation of her friends?
Helpful Answer (3)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
She has made the decision that she doesn't want to move after all, but thanks for your kind words and interest in this post.
You may be planning more for when your mom's health declines and you have to devote even more time to making sure she is taken care of and has what she needs. Very understandable as your current role can be very time consuming and mentally exhausting even before you add travel time to your responsibilities for mom. You have your reasons for keeping mom close and she has hers for wanting to move. Making a list of what would change if she moved may be helpful in her making the decision and you feeling comfortable with her decision. What if you decide just how much hands on responsibilities you are willing to do if mom moves. There may not be impromptu outings with her or other activities you are able to do with mom living closer to you. You may only be able to see her once a month so you can't set up her meds or take her to the doctor. But, if you can't get the bubble packs for pills or if the AL can't set up and administer meds, maybe you could pay for a home health agency to do it.

Cost may be another factor in making the decision. Are AL facilities licensed in your state? In ours, some are licensed (with government oversight and the ability to provide some nursing treatments and administer meds), and some are unlicensed. Also, there can be a wide variety in the cost among licensed and unlicensed AL. If it were my mom, I would tell her we will gather all the information (cost, amenities, my frequency of visits, etc.) so she can consider all variables and make an informed decision. If she thinks she wants to move, find out if the AL could accommodate a trial stay in a furnished apartment and if mom is willing to it. If she moves, she can likely move back, you will just want to look at the contract she signs at the AL to see the amount of notice needed to leave. You may find if she moves, you have more time to yourself!?!?! Best of luck!
Helpful Answer (2)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
Thanks so much for your kind reply. She has made the decision that she doesn't want to move after all but there's other ideas that you brought up for the temporary stay. That is such a good ideas and what I would have pursued.
I’m sure you are totally confused by now. It all depends so much on you, your mother and her friends. It would be particularly good if there was a way to try it out. Your mother visited this other ALF with her friends in a group, and that is how she remembers it. That is not the way it will be if she lives there. She may think that she will be fine with you visiting only one day a week, or a one day a month, but neither of you know how it will feel in reality. It would be great if you could arrange respite for three months. Perhaps you could at least try out the impact of you only visiting once a week, while she is in the current ALF.

In the meantime, could you ask a local church of the same denomination if they can suggest a local church with an older-style service and a good screen? That would be one outing a week, probably with easy transport available. There is no perfect solution, unfortunately, so don’t blame yourself if you and she have to compromise.
Helpful Answer (3)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
Thanks, I did try to get her to another church, we went a few times, and I"m working on the other.

She has made the decision that she doesn't want to move after all, but thanks for your kind words.
You'll have to ask yourself - if she moves to the further ALF & then worsens, who is going to help her -Yourself? Then you've got your answer.
Helpful Answer (3)
Scubaqn Apr 2019
You are right, but the ALF she wanted to move to doesn't have memory care. Where she is now does.
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My only question is how often would these old friends actually show up if she moved? Would they take her to church and sewing club like the old days? If so that’s wonderful. But if their visits and interaction is less than what your Mom anticipates, this may be hurtful for her, and a lot of disruption for nothing. Is there a way you could somehow feel out their level of friendship and commitment? Or can you look into alternate methods of her maintaining her independence in the new location? Church van, etc? Can you ask her how she would feel if this doesn’t pan out?
i like the suggestion of trying out just visiting her once a week in her current AL after you get her meds administers, to see what would happen... tell her it’s an experiment to see how you both feel about less frequent visits.
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NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2019
Good point, rocket. Grass is greener syndrome. Never know.
I'm sorry to hear about the ER visit - all sorted out, I hope?
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Scubaqn Apr 2019
Yes, she called me at 11:00 pm and asked me to call 911. (wonder why she didn't herself....not sure about that one but I don't care.) Lots of tests and ER doc said maybe was serious but seems as if it's not from initial tests. Took the day off of work, going to primary care DR as directed.
Never mind
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