
I took governor Cuomo 3 months to make hospitals stop sending seniors with the virus back to the assisted living not cured from the virus and making assisted living residences e-mail the loved one with the case that have the virus in them even though the cases in them is a lot higher than they are telling us.

He is finally making the assisted living homes accountable for their actions not following protocol and letting your love one's die in these residences.

I advise any family member to see a lawyer and take legal action against this assisted living residence that had your loved one pass away in these homes. Please don't let get away with. I am one many family that has gone though this with an assisted residence.

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Please let your elected official  know that you want assisted living homes accountable for their actions and inaction and letting our love one's die in them.

Joel, is your wife ill? (((((Hugs)))))) and I you are okay as well.

He did the same thing with nursing homes, ordering them to take patients sick with corona.  He's stupid or doesn't give a care for anyone or both. 

Was he that set on not using the ship?  Did he forget it was there for that purpose?  Was it because Trump sent it?  It wasn't Trump's money or ship ~ it was ours~ the American taxpayers!  So Cuomo chose that people could and would die rather than make use of the ship Trump sent because Trump sent it?  Sick...

The Al's and NHs are supposed to tell the state if they cannot provide isolation for COVID patients.

"They have to readmit COVID-positive residents, but only if they have the ability to provide the adequate level of care under Department of Health and CDC guidelines,” Cuomo said, referring to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
“If they do not have the ability to provide the appropriate level of care, then they have to transfer that patient or they call the Department of Health, and the Department of Health will transfer that patient,” Cuomo added. (At Thursday’s briefing, state officials said they had not received any such requests.)

Barb, thanks for the clarifications and documentations.

I think Cuomo has backed down.  I don't think his initial edict allowed the nursing homes to reject people.  NOW he says they can.  This is NOT on the nursing homes, it is on Cuomo.

Transfer the patient *where*? There is no facility or hospital *anywhere* that can guarantee isolation of COVID-19 patients. They can guarantee to meet the CDC's standards. But that isn't at all the same thing.

I and all my co-workers just had an email from the big cheese boss of our reablement service passing on an appeal for help she has received from local care homes (ALF/NH equivalents). I've asked for more information, I'm not sure what they have in mind, and I'm not at all sure how it could be made to fit with our community-based service; but if we can help (without risk to our existing clients) then of course we will, I know I'm not alone in wanting to.

What I'd love to know is what the angry people are doing to HELP in this situation. Allocating blame for failure to manage an unprecedented medical emergency? - probably not helpful. Arguing on party lines? - definitely not helpful. Is anyone offering to take on cleaning roles at these facilities? Take a course in safe manual handling and infection control and join the staff? Collect and deliver PPE? Man phone lines for people in need of advice or just a shoulder to cry on?

If you're already doing all you can, feel free to criticise.

I agree with Mouse who other than spelling words funny, always seems to have wise words.

Cuomo is a Democrat and I myself am of the opposite political philosophy. That said, I think he and all the governors, regardless of party, and yes our President are doing their darndest to do whats right. Each one of them may have done things differently in some areas with 20-20 hindsight.

Just so easy for us to blame. Stuff happens in this world. People including our leaders are not clairvoyant and cannot act perfectly. We have a blame culture in many ways.

Lillhelp, I agree about sending them to the ship, comfort, first before back to the home. He says every life is precious, but actions speak louder.

Karsten, you have good points.
Everyone is trying their best in this difficult situation. You're right, blame isn't going to fix things. We need unity and support.

Didn’t I hear a law was passed where AL & NH are exempt from being sued due to the Coronavirus?

I was very surprised to hear Cuomo dropped the ball on this because it simply was a very bad decision.

Bill DeBlasio the mayor of NYC denied the warnings about Covid 19 & didn’t close down the city until mid March. He was still encouraging people to go out to eat, attend the theater, etc. around St Patty’s Day.

New York’s leaders made some really stupid mistakes. Overpurchasing ventilators (DeBlasio)

However, due to the unpredictive nature of this virus, the centers will find a way around such lawsuits as they were following the directions given to them by Gov Cuomo, They will say they did the best they could under the circumstances and in my opinion many of those lawsuits would be thrown out of court.

I love the Cuomo family. From Mario to Andrew. But did we really need to see brothers Andrew & Chris pal around together while Chris tested positive for Covid 19 on CNN? Headlines I suppose.

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