Senior Driving

Information, advice and practical tips for dealing with an elderly parent or spouse who continues to drive regardless of safety to self or others.

Driving Articles

  • 20 Warning Signs an Elderly Driver Is No Longer Safe Behind the Wheel

    Driving helps older adults stay mobile and independent, but the risk of car accidents and injury increases with age. Look for these warning signs that it’s time for a senior to stop driving.

  • Should Someone With Dementia Be Driving?

    Although changes in a loved one’s abilities may not be readily apparent, dementia and driving are a dangerous mix. Use these tips to tackle the issue of unsafe driving with a dementia patient.

  • How to Discuss Unsafe Driving With a Senior

    Older adults who have become increasingly dangerous on the road are often in denial about their driving issues and the risks they pose to themselves and others. Use these seven tips for discussing unsafe driving with an aging parent.

  • Taking the Keys Away: What to Do If a Senior Won't Stop Driving

    Many family caregivers eventually realize that their aging loved ones are no longer fit to drive. If an elder refuses to stop driving and maintains that they’re still safe behind the wheel, you may need a backup plan for keeping them off the road.

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