Anosognosia and Alzheimer's

  • Anosognosia: When Dementia Patients Can’t Recognize Their Impairment

    Anosognosia is a common symptom of dementia that prevents a senior from acknowledging their diagnosis and cognitive impairment.

  • With Alzheimer's, Denial Isn't Always What it Seems

    It's a common caregiver lament that a loved one with dementia is "in denial" about their disease. But it may not always be denial that's preventing a person with Alzheimer's from recognizing their impairment.

  • Should You Be Tested for Dementia?

    Not all cognitive decline indicates dementia or Alzheimer's. Some cognitive changes are due to conditions or diseases that are treatable or even reversible. It’s important to get tested and find out a diagnosis-whether you want to or not.

  • Is Using Validation for Dementia Calming or Condescending?

    Seniors with dementia often live in an altered reality that can sometimes be upsetting. Validating their perceptions and feelings is the kindest, most respectful way to handle confusion, hallucinations and delusions.

  • Are Advanced Alzheimer's Patients Aware of Their Surroundings?

    Differing opinions exist as to whether people are aware of people and their surroundings during the last stages of Alzheimer's disease. As abilities and communication decline, loved ones are left to wonder if their care efforts are worthwhile.

  • Behavior Changes and the Progression of Dementia

    As a dementia caregiver, I see Mum fading in and out of reality, sometimes recognizing the severity of her illness and other times not even realizing something is wrong. All I can do is go through the motions with her.

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  • 8 Things People Living With Alzheimer’s Need You to Know

    Understanding a dementia patient’s unique perspective can help ensure you are doing all you can to address their needs. These eight simple requests are what I want my family, friends and the public to know about me and other people living with dementia.

  • Denial in the Face of Dementia

    Denial is a natural response for someone faced with a serious illness, but it is crucial for dementia patients and caregivers to be realistic and open about their diagnosis and feelings.

  • Communicating with a Dementia Patient: What Helps?

    As a loved one's dementia progresses, it can be extremely difficult for them to communicate with their caregiver and other family members. There are a few simple tips to keep in mind that can help conversations go more smoothly.

  • Should You Share a Loved One's Dementia Diagnosis?

    Those affected by cognitive impairment don't always recognize that they have a problem. This poses a number of problems for the caregiver including whether or not to share this new and significant change with friends and family.

  • Many People with Alzheimer’s Aren’t Being Told Their Diagnosis

    Many Americans with Alzheimer's aren't being told their diagnosis by their doctor. What's stopping these physicians from being upfront with their patients?

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  • Alzheimer’s: To Tell, or Not to Tell?

    A caregiver's perspective on when you should (and shouldn't) tell someone they have Alzheimer's disease.

  • A Dementia Diagnosis: Bane or Blessing?

    Receiving a diagnosis is upsetting for the patient and their family, but it can also be empowering in some ways. Knowing what you're dealing with has short- and long-term advantages.

  • Mom is showing signs of dementia, but doesn't recognize it. Do I tell her?

    If your elderly mother is showing signs of dementia, getting her doctor involved is the best way to tell an elderly parent they have dementia.

  • What Do I Do If My Elderly Parent Refuses to Go to the Doctor?

    Aging is scary for a multitude of reasons and that fear often manifests as a refusal to participate in doctor’s appointments and medical treatments. What can a caregiver do if an aging parent refuses to go to the doctor?

  • Should You Join Someone With Dementia in Their Reality?

    Dementia caregivers must frequently choose between correcting their loved ones or validating their distorted perceptions of reality. A family caregiver shares the unique approach she used to interact with her elderly father.

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