Pneumonia in the Elderly

  • Adult Vaccination: Protect Yourself, Seniors and Their Caregivers

    Many adults assume that their inoculation days are long over, but keeping up with recommended vaccine schedules throughout our lives is just as important as the initial doses we received as children.

  • Recommended Vaccines for Seniors

    Decreasing an aging loved one’s risk of contracting preventable yet potentially deadly diseases, such as Covid-19, flu or pneumonia, is as simple as getting a shot (or two). These are the CDC guidelines for senior vaccinations.

  • Why Are Older Adults More Susceptible to Pneumonia?

    Adults over age 65 are at a much higher risk of developing and possibly dying from pneumonia. Learn what factors can contribute to this risk and how you can protect your loved one.

  • Why Do People Die From Alzheimer’s Disease?

    The most noticeable symptom of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is memory loss, but this progressive condition ultimately weakens the immune system and prevents the body from functioning properly. Complications like infections are often the cause of death.

  • Hand-Washing Best Practices for Seniors and Family Caregivers

    Frequent hand-washing prevents the spread of viruses and bacteria and is a fundamental part of infection control. Learn the best hand-washing techniques and discover which products for good hand hygiene can help keep you and your family healthy.

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  • Swallowing Disorders: Tips for Using Food and Beverage Thickeners

    When a senior is having trouble swallowing, known as dysphagia, doctors recommend thickening meals and drinks to avoid choking and aspiration. Use these tips to address dehydration and malnutrition issues in people who have a swallowing disorder.

  • Find Care & Housing
  • A Primer on Oxygen Therapy for Seniors

    Some diseases and age-related health conditions can reduce lung function and require a senior to use supplemental oxygen. Learn how to pay for oxygen therapy, ensure your loved one is using the right equipment and follow safety precautions.

  • Losing the Ability to Swallow: How to Help Someone With Dysphagia

    With conditions like stroke, Parkinson’s disease and dementia, swallowing issues can develop that increase the risk of choking and aspiration pneumonia. Learn the signs of dysphagia and how to help a senior eat and drink safely.

  • Chronic Health Conditions and the Flu: A Deadly Combination

    For elderly people, influenza can lead to serious complications like pneumonia, exacerbate existing chronic medical conditions and even cause death. Vaccinations are a senior’s best defense against the flu and related complications.

  • Sepsis: The Common Cause of Death You've Never Heard Of

    Septic shock can develop from common infections and become life-threatening very quickly. Make sure you know the signs of infection and the symptoms of sepsis so you can seek treatment without delay.

  • 7 Common Flu Myths Debunked

    There is a lot of misinformation surrounding the prevention and treatment of influenza. Get your facts straight and learn how to protect yourself and your aging loved ones from this nasty viral infection.

  • The Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease

    The only certainty when diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease is that a senior’s condition will progressively worsen. The national Alzheimer’s Association has developed a very useful staging system to use as a frame of reference when coping with AD.

  • Can Dementia Be Fatal?

    On its own, dementia doesn’t normally cause death. As it progresses, however, the condition can increase vulnerability to life-threatening infections.

  • How Does a Ventilator Work?

    Also known as breathing machines, ventilators are often used in hospitals as life support for patients who have difficulty breathing or who have lost all ability to breathe on their own.

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