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North Carolina does offer some assitance for low income seniors.
Helpful Answer (1)

Lealonnie1: Data shows that the vaccines have reduced the number of hospitalizations and deaths. It is irresponsible for people to not get vaccinated (given certain medical exceptions). Nursing home residents should be grateful that staff who refuse to be vaccinated are let go and are no longer around to put them at higher risk. The tragedy is that people are given the choice to refuse vaccinations and exercise that right rather than get vaccinated so they can stay and take care of their patients. That choice shows they are more concerned about their rights than about their patients. There is no evidence that the vaccines harm the people who have gotten them. Good for your stepson. I assume he's been vaccinated or has been given an exemption of some sort. By the way, you have many very positive comments for being helpful and kind in your older posts, so I'm a little surprised that your recent replies to some posts have included some snarky remarks. I hope you return to your positive attitude even in the face of comments with which you disagree.
Helpful Answer (2)
lealonnie1 Oct 2021
Alwaysdobetter, boy you have an awful lot to say about 'vaccines' don't you; you seem to have written an encyclopedia here although I have no idea where this is coming from or what my stepson has to do with the price of eggs?

What words would you have for Kaye55 who's a poster here on AgingCare who says, "My dad is 88. He walks with a walker very little. He uses a wheelchair mostly. He has congestive heart failure. He had a severe reaction to the vaccine shot which led to his health failing fast. Before he took the shot, he was driving. Then his health declined rapidly." Or for those who's loved ones have DIED from blood clots due to these 'vaccines'?

There is NO tragedy that people are exercising their RIGHT to say NO to an experimental jab that glows in the dark with chemicals that should not be put into the human body. There is PLENTY of evidence of injury to PLENTY of people who have taken these jabs, are you kidding me? VAERS has done a splendid job of covering it up, and OSHA is now forbidding employees to even REPORT their vaccine injuries! For such a 'safe' vaccine, that's quite a surprising turn of events, don't you think?

In any event, if my comments are 'snarky' it's due to comment like yours where you are insisting that forced vaccines are a great idea and mandates are smart. People are losing their jobs and their medical benefits while you applaud? People are standing up and saying NO to these unconstitutional mandates more and more each day. FREEDOM includes the right to say No Thank You to experimental 'vaccines' that have no long term studies done on them. More and more cancers (including cancer for MYSELF) are popping up after so many of us have taken these jabs, as well as autoimmune diseases, yet here you are, standing tall on your soapbox, insisting you're right and everyone else is wrong.

My helpful comments are for those who are seeking advice for their loved ones, not looking to argue about experimental vaccines. Then I'll stand up and speak MY peace, whether you like what I have to say or not. If not, move right past my post on the subject.

Sorry bud, not buying what you're selling here. And I've HAD the jabs and regret it.

Have a nice day.
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OLDEMAN, please do NOT feel guilty for your feelings. Many posters on here who take the high and mighty route must be really rich ! Nursing homes ARE expensive, but so is assisted living and private/agency care at home. You NEED to do what YOU need, not what others tell you you should do. I am in a similar position with my mom. I am near the end with being able to provide care, and am myself trying to figure out what to do, and how to go about it. Sending you hugs and care!
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