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I had a similar problem when my mom was diagnosed with dementia as your mom done a will and if so are you or your sister administrators
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Oh my sounds like you and I have the same sister (unfortunately)! - and I am also going thru struggles with my sister as well so I can totally understand - my sister is completely hands-off with any concern or care of my parents and she's selfish beyond belief - she and I used to be very close and this has torn our relationship apart. I am also divorced, no kids, and can completely relate to your concerns. From doing my own research on this topic and having spoken to an estate lawyer, he advised that a POA is very important to put in place while the elderly parent or family member is still cognitively competent - otherwise, it becomes much more complicated and having to go thru the court system. So, timing is important not to wait on such things. Also, I believe it's up to your mom to decide who she wants to name as her POA - and it's a big responsibility and it involves time and energy in making decisions and carrying them out...and the way your sister sounds and is so hands-off, she actually should be really relieved that you would assume the role. You are taking the responsibility off of her.

I don't really think technically she would need to be involved, given your mom requests that you are her POA...and when and if your sister finds out later, what would she even gain from having to do the work that a POA requires - and it's also very are really doing her the favor and she really should appreciate it and thank you for it - I would present it that way later on down the road. I'm sorry to hear that your sister is the way she is - just like mine :-(
Wishing you the best.
Helpful Answer (5)
bundleofjoy Aug 2021
dear hope,

you wrote:
“my sister is completely hands-off with any concern or care of my parents and she's selfish beyond belief - she and I used to be very close and this has torn our relationship apart”

i’m in the same situation as you. i’ve completed changed my opinion of my 3 brothers. i think they’re awful people - they exploit me, and care nothing about the consequences on my life. indeed, they want to sacrifice my life.

i help my parents. my brothers do nothing.

i look forward to karma/justice.

wishing everyone on this forum love, peace, happiness.


bundle of joy :)
Your sister certainly sounds to have problems - maybe grounded in some trauma when young, maybe mental and narcissism based.
Her constant berating your mother and complaining is most certainly not good for your Mum and personally I would block her phone number and leave it for mum to ring her when she wants to. Yes sister will be up in arms, but if she cannot behave in a reasonable way towards a lady of 89 then she has to be treated like the child she is behaving as - whether it is mental illness or self indulgence. Your Mum AND you, deserve some peace from this.
She will clearly make all decisions on daughter's wedding so there is no point her even pretending to involve others - it is just attention seeking.

Go ahead and get the POA for your mother - when sister finds out, simply tell her that she didn't have time to discuss anything other that herself or you would have discussed with her. Tell her you will discuss any issues that arise before you make a decision but that you are going to be making the decisions as you have lived with and cared for your mother for the last 20 years and know what she wants - which has nothing to do with what your sister wants. I certainly would not tell her I was applying until after it was all sorted - provided mother is happy with this decision. (We do have to take our LO wishes into account when doing something like a POA - you can always have sister put on as a reserve which mother might prefer to sister not being involved at all, it might be useful in case anything happens to stop you acting anyway).

If it causes ructions so what - sister is causing those and complaining and being self centred and unreasonable already. Go for peace of mind for you and Mum and let sister moan all she likes afterwards - if its not the POA she will clearly be moaning about something, a little less contact with her sounds like it would make for a much more peaceful life for Mum and you - sister's loss, she is making her bed, so she can lie in it.
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ACaringDaughter Aug 2021
I wouldn’t put yourself in a position where your sister expects you will either consult or inform her about POA decisions. That is above-and-beyond (unnecessary) and there may be times when notifying her is impossible or inconvenient. Making any promises would be setting yourself up.

Quietly make the decisions when needed and inform her when it works for you.
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Are you trying to avoid a lawsuit, avoid painful interactions, or fix a broken relationship that is toxic? Based on your fact pattern, I think these three roads lead to the same place.

Fixing the relationship would only be a break between boxing rounds. Instead, get yourself out of the ring.

It sounds like you eventually will not be pursuing a long term friendship with this woman (your sister) so why torture yourself by even engaging in a fight in the meantime?

if she starts screaming, calmly reply, “this is not up for discussion.” Legally, that is the truth, POA is the end of the story.

If she sues you, step back and let the attorneys fight on your behalf (that is what we are paying them to do, after all).

Anyone can basically sue anyone else for anything. Engaging in heated shouting matches (or battle royals) is unproductive and unhealthy.

Don’t “gear up”, just don’t engage.

Think also of your mom, her health and well being —there is no need to let her get hit by shrapnel from a war that is pointless.
Helpful Answer (5)
Angelica357 Aug 2021
I empathize with your situation. However, I can't help but wonder about your sister's feelings. Is there another family dynamic going on? I'm not so quick to make a judgement on sister. Do you two have different fathers or something that would make her feel like she is misunderstood or different? You stated you moved in after your divorce 20 years ago. That's a long time. It's possible your sister can feel like you get special treatment? We're you a care giver at that time? I'm asking these questions because I get the feeling maybe your sister's feelings were not acknowledged in some way.
I don't agree with ignoring her. I think if you haven't already, ask her sincerely what is bothering her and listen with an open heart. Sometimes there are parents that don't step up and try to heal sibling rivalry. I'm speaking from experience. I just feel it is a mother's place to express that she loves both of you and want you to get along. A LOT of mother's do not do this. Some instigate the division consciously or unconsciously. I don't mean to offend you.
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Kaki, I would urge caution about having two people named as being able to make health care decisions.

Ask the lawyer if it means that you BOTH have to agree with every decision. With a person as unstable as your sister, I would worry what her opposition to Hospice, foregoing treatment and the like might engender.
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Update: Mom passed her competency test as performed by her primary Doctor. She made a few errors but overall, demonstrated that she is competent. The Doctor has agreed to provide the lawyer a letter attesting to her competency. Next week, I hope to have him draft the POA, revise the will to have me as an executor and generate a health directive, naming both her (my sister) and I.
Now, I'm trying to alleviate my mother's depression. I myself, get teary eyed as I recognize that Mom is dwindling slowly before my eyes. She is my best friend, and I will hate to lose her, however inevitable it may be. My father's death, 18 years ago, helped end my relationship with my ex wife as she could not stand to watch me cry continuously. It took me a full year to somewhat recover. But, what can you do? It's just the way things are.
Helpful Answer (2)
SouthernSun Aug 2021
There is the option of applying for your mother's Guardianship if your sister creates useless interference.
If your mother is competent she appoints the POA of her choice and sister can as one poster puts it: pound sand. At mom's age and with her frailties, it would be wise to have this done by mom working with an attorney who will be able to testify that mom is competent and is not being coerced. I doubt that you will effect any reconciliation with your sister. In a sense the problem here is her and her problems and you cannot change that. But if mom is competent, you can go ahead and help her to see a lawyer and do a power of attorney.
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you waited too long. Mom cannot grant a POA with a deteriorated memory. It should have been in place before hand. Now, you may have to battle. Sorry, but that's just life.
(edit) I saw a post later that she had a competency test at her PCP...If she is found competent, then you get the POA and ignore sis. Until and unless she takes you to court it is mute.
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kaki3152 Aug 2021
You mean moot, mute is not able to speak
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I am POA for my Mom & thankfully my brother understood as she lives now in my state & I have her care even though she’s in a nursing home. Your sister could be listed secondary as my brother is in case something happens to you.
Is your Mom aware enough & have faculties to say she wants you as POA. If so, problem solved. Take her to attorney with you. She just signs & papers notarized. Being POA just says that you are responsible for your mother’s care, (which you are) and medically & financially. If you decide Mom needs long term care, you can discuss with your sister but the final decision is yours.
it sounds like you need to discuss with your Mom if you can & soon. Then you can take care of your mother as you see best. Good luck to you
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You don't tell her it is none of her business . Focus on yourself. And your loved one and divorce her. Find real friends .
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You know, at 70 I am so over the family drama. So they get mad. Its usually not warranted. I always tried to be careful of what I said or did around certain family members. I still do to a point but when I do say something that gets taken the wrong way, oh well. Your sister is going to continue the way she is until someone says "no more". Let her be mad. If she never talks to you again is that so bad? Doesn't seem she does much for Mom but make her life miserable. At 89 Mom does not deserve that. Why do you both feel you need to take the abuse? What can your sister do to you?
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Are you sure your sister would even want to be your mom's POA? It makes little sense for her to be. Don't be afraid of her reaction, because nowhere is it written that you have to let anyone, even family, "go ballistic" on you. Also, why are you trying to sit her down to talk about mom's problems, since she doesn't seem to care and she's so unpleasant to be around?
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kaki3152 Aug 2021
It's difficult to totally ignore her. She talks to mom every day.
I would not mention the POA. Just take Mom and get it done. If we want to get particular, You are the oldest. You r the one who lives with Mom. Your are the Caregiver who should always have POA. I would not even have her as a secondary if something should happen to you. I don't think she would carry out her responsibilities.

I would not tell her you were assigned for now. Too much going on in her life. Be aware that you shouldn't, nor do you have to, give sister any info on Moms finances. Keep good records. Do not combine monies.

You and Mom need to set boundries. Neither of you should take sister's abuse. When she gets started, tell Mom to say "I am hanging up" and do it.
Helpful Answer (7)
kaki3152 Aug 2021
That's exactly what happens
There’s no reason to discuss POA with your sister, or much of anything else. Give brief updates on mom when you talk, don’t argue over any of it as it will get you nowhere. Make sure mom has all documents, such as will and advance directive, complete and you know how to access them. And no talk of this with sister. Never attempt to put mom in the middle of the drama, not saying you have, just something to guard against. I have a bitter, negative sibling and have found giving out the least info with people like this gives less fire for them to rage over
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It's none of your sister's business. Just keep repeating that with as much or as little vehemence as particular circumstances demand.

You might pre-empt any grand scene, and avoid unfortunate timing, by choosing to inform her of the fact.

By the way, you don't have POA 'on' Mom. You have POA *for* her, to act on her behalf as to the best of your belief your mother would have done for herself before she lost her mental faculties.
Helpful Answer (7)
kaki3152 Aug 2021
Yes, you're correct. I was using written shorthand, Also, I have my own finances to worry about. All I'm doing so far is helping her with her checkbook. My mother carried the books in my parent's marriage and is used to doing the finances on her house.
Mother did have an UTI diagnosed at the hospital and was put on antibiotics .on her second ER visit. The pills are all gone. How do I check for this in the future?
Helpful Answer (1)
gladimhere Aug 2021
UTIs will recur. Did they culture a sample? If not treated with the right antibiotic they will not be cured.
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To all interested,

Mom passed her competency test in a test with her primary MD. I've called the lawyer to set up an appointment next week. My mother told my sister that she had gone to her doctor to get a "sound of mind" evaluation. My sister did not make any comment. Two days ago, when the physical therapist came by, my mother mentioned that a physical therapist had come by the house in a phone conversation with my sister. Again, no comment. No "What did the therapist say?" or "How is your health?" Total silence. My mother is very disappointed with her. Obviously, we both felt that in tough times, families come together and support each other. No such luck.
Helpful Answer (2)
MargaretMcKen Aug 2021
Sister's lack of interest is actually helpful at the moment. Get all the paperwork done before she gets through the wedding and starts to focus on you and your mother!
Move Heaven and a earth to get the POA in place before your sister finds out.

Then insert the earplugs, unplug the phone, and lock the door.

Hope that the wedding takes up so much of her time and energy that she runs out of gas before she can get near you.

Then, ignore completely.
Helpful Answer (17)
Sarah3 Aug 2021
You do realize this would be considered close to elder abuse correct?
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Has mom been checked for a UTI? That could cause memory loss. Is mom seeing a geriatric doc? Family docs do not have the training or knowledge or experience to diagnose and treat the elderly, especially when it comes to dementia related problems.

You need to make sure you do EVERYTHING legally! Was mom considered competent to sign POA?
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I’m sorry for your family drama — it’s a very common discussion on this forum. We don’t get to choose our family but we can choose to have boundaries to minimize dysfunctional interactions. Your mom doesn’t owe her daughter any explanation about her very logical decision to assign you as PoA. Often it is more efficient to have a single PoA, to which an only child like myself can testify. Assigning a PoA is not a declaration of love or affirmation. It’s a practical matter with serious ramifications if it goes south. It’s easier said than done but try not to fret about your sister’s reaction — that’s her problem, not yours. Don’t tell her until you really must. Don’t kick that hornet’s nest if you don’t have to.

Has your mom made you her Medical Representative (different than Medical PoA)? Did your mom create an Advanced Care Directive (Living Will)? Who is the executor of your mom’s Last Will? Hopefully she has one. May you receive peace in your heart over all of this drama.
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