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Hard to do, especially for your mother to see, so you may want to take her out for lunch, but I would recommend that you call Adult Protective Services AGAIN, AGAIN and AGAIN. Write them letters - hand deliver and get them to date stamp your copy and/or fax the letters - requesting help - to have a record of your communication. Try and write to your mayor/senator to get their suggestions - again keeping copies for your records - so that they know that you are. Be very direct with your concerns for your mother's safety and specific on the help that you need.

You might even have to consult with an attorney to see if you can have them get the authorities to remove him from the house and put into a facility, himself.
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Have you tried calling police.. one way my city has a mental evaluator she’s been a god send to me . I tried 15 years to get my mom out of a bad situation, she was living with two drug addicts and they were financially exploiting her. And gave her meth which she got hooked on . Yes at 84 my mom. Became a drug addict.. they could control her that way so be careful.. anyway like I said I tried calling APS so many times and they did nothing. My mom was in fear for her life but when APS would show up she would stick up for the drug addicts afraid they would retaliate.. her house got so bad with filth they wouldn’t lift a finger to clean. Finally the police hired the mental evaluator and they condemned the house and got mom out . She stayed in the hospital for three months because she couldn’t take care of herself., until they found her a AFH and we could get her house cleaned and sold. It was a years worth of work and money out of my pocket because my mom didn’t have anything left by the time these two guys were done she was getting credit cards to live off of. It takes the state forever if they are going to do anything at all. In my case they said mom could live with and do drugs if she wanted too. I find this sickening.. if you look APS is The only resource you can get for help in these situations and there isn’t other resources out there for the protection of our parents. In your case your parents are probably afraid of your brother so they probably didn’t tell the state they were in danger or he would be gone.. they probably talked to your mother and partner in front of your brother and said everything bad about you that’s what happened to me. Your brother is brainwashing your parents against you so be careful. He will eventually isolate your parents away from everyone around them so he can continue to control them to get what he wants. Keep trying I did and Eventually something will get done. My mom now says terrible things about me and even had me investigated by APS because they told her over and over I was the bad guy and only wanted her house and money which isn’t the case .. her attorney even tried taking me to court to get mom back into her house after I had paid out of my pocket to get her house fixed and her 8 thousand dollars in rent each month at the AFH.. her attorney lost the case and I was finally able to sell my moms home it will close this month and finally people are starting to see I wasn’t the bad guy and that mom is lying about me. Sometimes these things go on forever but there is a light at the end of the tunnel., you have to just keep trying. I lost my life for a whole year ,, I had to dedicate my life put it on hold until mom was finally safe it’s very hard work.. check your local police department become friends with them. Or one officer I kept writing emails for help over and over until finally someone did something. I was a pest you have to be in order to get people to listen. Also you can hire an attorney.. or do this yourself. I hired one but we went and got protective orders on these guys. I believe you can do this yourself but it’s better to have an attorney in. Case your parents and your brother turn on you like my mom did and it can happen. Your brother is brainwashing your parent as we speak. Call the court and see if you can file a protective order on your brother. Every state is different. They can help you through if you can file without an attorney. When you get the VAPO ( vulnerable adult protective order then you can get your brother out of the house. Just be carful of him after you get it he won’t be very happy with you. But I’m sure you can get a VAPO against him on your own. I read anyone can if they fear your moms or parent are in danger.. I believe it only takes a few dollars to file . APS can also get one against him but they have to feel you mom is in grave danger in Order for them to listen. If I were you that’s the first place I would start get a protective order. G luck
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NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2020
What a nightmare! I am so sorry.
Call Adult Protective Services for your brother. Get him into rehab. At the end of his rehab have him relocated to a halfway house. In the meantime reclaim your parents house and if necessary get a restraint order. Schizophrenia is an illness and your brother needs help.
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You will have to file an eviction on him. But your mother and partner will have to be the ones to do this. If I were you I'd call your local legal aid agency and find out what should be done so you do this properly and don't get your mother in a bind. I would also suggest having your mother's partner file a report on the threats as well as a protection order. Which should also help when filing for an eviction!! Even if they rent their home they will still have to file the eviction. Especially if he received any mail at that address & has any personal belongings like a toothbrush.
I Also agree that your brother needs help. On that note, I have to admit that I personally know that he won't let you or anyone else help him get clean! He has to want it for himself first! The important thing is to make sure your mother and her partner is safe! It doesn't sound like they are!
If he is willing to go to rehab and get a psychiatric evaluation done then you are in luck!! With him having schizophrenia he's gonna be able to get much needed help. Like housing, medical insurance, rehab, social services, & pretty easily too! He just has to reach out and do the paperwork to get this help!
Hope this helps! Good luck!!!!!
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File eviction, then restraining order. If her returns he goes to jail.
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