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I might be in the minority here, but I do not plan to humor the woman I work for when it comes to her delusions. She sees dogs, cats, family members who are not in the home. She always thinks she sees smoke, thinks people are moving/stealing from her, etc. We tell her right out that whatever she sees is not there. I am not going to take the chance that in her state of confusion, that she calls 911 or heaven forbid, runs into the street because she thinks the house is on fire. For the time being, she stops when we tell her that something isn't there, but I am dreading the day when she fights with us or becomes combative. For the record, I am only an employee and have no say whatsoever when it comes to specialists, medications, etc.
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Tell your mom that she has made you see 'the way' & that you are taking courses to become a nun & take the veil- when you are leaving house it is for that course -

Talk to priest & get him on line to help - have him come to house on visits for communion & prayer -

When she gets antsy ask her to help 'pick your nun name' - tell her that you can't start for a while as your are going through your postulant phase so she won't think you are leaving soon -

Try giving it a shot ... because it can't be worse than what's going on now! - if she is like my mom. she thinks about the high road of Catholicism but has little to no actual knowledge about how the church functions & what she did know is far out of date - get that priest to help you with this as he is part of the church that is causing the underlying problems in first place - I'm NO LONGER R.C. & quite happy about it
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My husband used to call me a whore all the time and acuse me of sleeping with all the men, dogs and goats in the community. It was upsetting but his geriatric doctor says his preoccupation with sex is the dementia and frontal lobe of the brain affected. It was so bad once called the police as he was angry that i had men in the house hiding. 
My solution was to sit and talk to him about his feelings and suspicions. When he says he sees men I ask him to describe them and to ask them their names.
He usually says they don't talk to him and after a while he stops.
Another thing I find is that we tend to forget humans are sexual beings and still think about sex at any age. I find that he still thinks about sex especially if he sees some sex like scene on TV or hears any conversation on the radio. So I talk to him about his feelings about sex. I allow him his privacy especially while bathing him and at nights to rediscover himself and I find he calms down. Its my husband so I guess my methods are easier for me I sometimes let him just touch me anywhere he wants or just sit close to him and hug him. He comes around in no time.
For your mother I guess you could invite an older male friend to sit and talk to her. It may sound distasteful but its worth a try. He could ask her about her husband or sex life when she was younger. I do it with my husband also. Let's be real our older loved ones are living what we may face one day and their feelings for basic activities like food, laughter and sex don't get addressed as it should everyday. Another thing I notice that allowing him to watch me dance is also pleasurable for him, and sometimes I dance with him. He likes the physical contact apparently. I also just act silly and kiss him on the neck or act serious and shout to the imagined guest to please leave, now. He likes that too. Sometimes he will say one or more persons has left. Its just my solution and it avoids the stress, we have to protect our selves from being too stressed and stressing out our loved ones also.
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OMG! This is sooo my life with my mother. She claims that my boyfriend rides a motorcycle and he is married and so I am an adulterer messing with a married man. WHAT?? I am in a long-distance relationship and she has done face-time with my boyfriend. But, that means nothing, we chalk it up to sundowning. Every night before she goes to bed she tells me not to let this man on the motorcycle come in the house. She has says that she hears him, "beating me up" at night and when I wake up in the morning I have bruises all over my face. My mom was taking lexapro in the evening, but she has been refusing it for a week or so. We have it in liquid form. I've been living with the "motorcycle man" love affair scenario for 2 years now. It is only in the summertime because she sees and hears people ride motorcycles in our neigborhood. In the winter time I am "sneaking" men in the house when she goes to sleep and they "sneak out" before she wakes up in the morning. When I stay late at work (which I don't do, got to get home to relieve the caregiver) I'm most definitely out with some man when I should be home with her. So I understand what you are going through. I don't know what's going to happen if and when my relationship moves to marriage, my mom is already mad that I leave to go to work everyday. Having someone else move in and me split my time may be h*ll on earth for her. You are not alone in this, I am glad I am not the only one who is going through this. I thought I was the only one who's mother calls her a whore/fornicator/adulterer ...etc...
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