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Candy was constipating for my mother. Also you have to be wary of UTIs as they get older and don't wipe as well or wear liners/pads, so might want to incorporate some cranberry juice.
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An update - first, I was not clear in my original post, that these events happen about 2x/month. As she lives alone (with 3x/day visits from my sister or me or her visiting CG who showers her weekly) and nobody keeps notes, I have no way to quantify the events/details.
Before MD visit, I spoke to her about the issue of constipation - she insists not a problem, though it has been for much of her life. She reminded me she is a nurse and would know if she had a problem!!
Then raised the reality about people putting on gloves to manually remove waste and paper from the toilet - she was very embarrassed, of course. Even when her CG who was present confirmed this issue, she refused to believe it. I asked if it is ok for people who care about her to have to do this task - she agreed that it is ok. I know she doesn't really understand. Then she started to cry, and went over to her CG for a hug and reassurance.
The plan for now is prune juice in the morning. Will see if the CG can get her to drink it - found out that she eats and drinks MUCH more for CG than she does for either of her daughters.
I know it is up to my sister and I to ensure her health and safety as much as we can, within limits of her wishes.
After waiting 90 minutes to see her MD (very unusual, apparently) I omitted this issue from the visit - other topics more important. Lacking UTIs or a trip to ER for disimpaction, I don't think I have enough data to make this a priority.
Thanks to all for their suggestions. Will keep in mind as we go along.
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Llamalover47 Sep 2021
Clairesmum: Thank you for your update.
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