
Mom, just in the last day or so, has started sucking her thumb? I know she has tooth issues and stuff, but sucking her thumb? Is she scared or insecure about something? Maybe knowing she will be placed soon? It is so sad.

Was the tooth pulled?

Mom has had a lot going on lately. If she was a thumb sucker as a child, maybe just reverting back to that time.
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Reply to JoAnn29

Sounds like she is self soothing. Stay the course. It will be on to the next phase soon.
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Reply to Southernwaver

She knows she's on her way out soon, so will probably anything to get you worried or discouraged.
STAY FOCUSED & GET HER IN MC, so both of you are safe!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Dawn88
Rogerwyatt7890 May 25, 2024
Dam I'm bawling right now. This is so hard. I am not complaining just putting me feeling out there. Thanks Anxiety for being there for me.
She probably was a thumbs sucker as a child, I'm sure it's a way to self soothe.

At least she knows and understands it. Might make it a tad easier.

I have a gf that sucked her thumb, she says once in a while she will wake up and be sucking her thumb. So no matter how weird it is , I think it's pretty normal
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Reply to Anxietynacy
Rogerwyatt7890 May 25, 2024
Ok thanks. Just seems strange to watch your mother suck her thumb. This disease is so weird.
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