
I have contacted many agencies, finally got mom on minimal state service of 6 hrs a week. I usually use that time to take care of food shopping & vital errands, and squeeze in contract work for a bit of pay. But CG's often don't show, without telling me, and then mom is left home alone in danger. Also state does not allow you to choose hours and flexible schedule for needs that arise.

At night I'm in bed for less than 5 hours, and care for mom when she has issues during night. I do the heavy yard work, cutting down trees, fix roof, tile, any repairs, while cooking, cleaning, figuring out how to problem solve bathing, transport, etc

I want to practice what I preach about self-care, but it seems near impossible. I have asked everyone I know (but I know less people now because of my situation). I used to be very creative at problem solving but sleep deprivation changes ideas?

A neighbor just helped devise a board w/straps to put under sofa cushion to hold mom down so she doesn't fall. (Medical staff etc only advised buying a heavy foot padded recliner and belting her in, but no money for that, and place is small.) That gave me hope!

Thanks in advance for any ideas

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Have a look at the budget, and work out what jobs you could delegate - either by paying or by asking for help. The 'heavy yard work' should be a start. Have you asked for medication that might help your mother sleep at night? At this stage, getting addicted is not such a drama, and you are quite right about the effect of lack of sleep on your own bounce. If you have specific issues (like slipping out of her chair), could you be more specific? There is a lot of practical experience on the Forum, and my DH is a retired engineer with lots of ideas! Best Wishes from us both.
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WileyCoyote Dec 2018
Thanks Margaret. I would love to have enough funds to pay $150 per tree, of 4 trees. But, not possible financially with all the other expenses incurred.

Still experimenting with several options for safe sleep meds for those w/Alzheimers, as it made her hallucinate, & try to sleep walk. But I'm a bit hopeful with a few other strategies of prepping her for sleep.

I Finally discovered that putting a ply board, with several holes, under the sofa seat with strap belts thru the holes that wrap around the waist from the back, seems to be working. I don't think she can get tangled in the belt, or that it would be two tight and hurt, or choke? yet Im cautious since she tipped over in the wheelchair and hit head ,when nurse said that wouldn't happen.

Im curious what people do to protect from sharp or hard corners, they are everywhere.

Wish rails on bed were shaped better, and longer so I could pad them so she doesn't scrape her legs when she wiggles a lot. Wish there was a safer way to transfer her, as she cannot manage a walker, or hold onto anything without letting go as she doesn't realize what she is doing.
When I have taken her to store people offer the electric wheel chair cars but she can't manage that. Hard to push her in wheel chair and have a place to put groceries.

Guess I'm venting and hope creativity is sparked.
Next thing is LTC with Medicaid picking up the care. My Mom was in LTC and they loved her. She got better care than the AL.
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