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The pork and fruit played perfectly together, captain, but I did have to use both toothpicks and string to hold the roll together in the oven. The fruit compote had star anise, allspice berries, and a cinnamon stick, all of which should be removed before the compote goes into the port. The stars and stick were easy to remove, but who the heck can tell the berries from the dates and raisins? Crazy. Then to make the sauce you remove the cooked roast and add butter to the pan, scraping up the nummy bits. Cook the shallots in the butter until translucent. The shallots immediately are covered with the brown mixture in the pan! How could anyone tell if they are raw, translucent, or burned? LOL, glad I have a lot of cooking experience behind me. In spite of a few recipe jokes, the dinner was absolutely worth the trouble to prepare it. Wow! I hope to do this often, and use different fruits.

LadeeC, I do understand completely that cooking for just yourself is not very satisfying. I did much simpler cooking the last years I was caring for Coy. I'm delighted now to have a boarder who loves good food.

good. jeanne knows to get the pork with the fruit and make em play nice.. throw crushed black pepper on em if they misbehave..

:chuckles: .. well, Book .. my version of ramen is more like spaghetti-os .. would gross out most people, but feels like a treat to me. And actually it's more than a few hours before I get hungry again.

Jeanne .. I may try your recipes, they sound absolutely scrumptious. I used to be a really good and enthusiastic cook, but, frankly it doesn't seem worth the effort these days. As long as what I put on Edna's lap tray gives her a smile and she eats enthusiastically, I'm content. As for myself, I have a tendency to wait until I'm ravenous and then don't want to take the time to prep and cook something, so it's gotta be FAST. And 3 minutes in the microwave suits me just fine, lol. I'm awful. I know it.
Report more like a snack. I like mine plain, nothing fancy thrown in. I cook according to instructions but add 1/2 cup more of water. Just before the 3 minutes boil is up, I quickly crack an egg, smell it to make sure it's not spoiled (sigh... I once cracked the egg into the frying pan, and a spoiled rotten egg got mixed in with the food. Threw the whole thing out.), quick whisk with the fork, and then dump it into the boiling noodles. I wait for the eggs to cook a bit before I gently swirl the eggs/noodles. I want the eggs to still be intact when I eat the soup. When done, quickly scoop the soup into the bowl, sprinkle in black pepper and eat it quicky before the noodles expand and become soft. I haven't had Ramen in a long time! Favorite flavor is shrimp. LadeeC, don't you get hungry after an hour later?

Top ramen? Oh, LadeeC, I wish you could come eat with me!

OMG with the latkes, again .. drool ..

And, Jeanne .. oh, yum.

Meanwhile, I had top ramen.

I love ice cream. Just reading it here makes me one to eat the ones in the freezer. I bought 2 boxes of Dreyers. One for me (Coffee flavor with nuts), and for my dad & sis to share (Neopolitan.) I love both ice creams. So, 2 nights ago, I decided to eat combine it together - so I get to taste all the flavors - vanilla, strawberry, chocolate and coffee flavor with Nuts. Yum!!!!

Tonight we had sliced sweet potato tossed in olive oil, honey, and cinnamon then roasted, along with leftover roasted broccoli and cauliflower. Also a pork tenderloin butterflied and filled with a fruit compote (dried apricots, dates, and raisins simmered in cranberry juice), roasted, and served with a shallot sauce made with the pan drippings.

Oh my! Seriously good dinner.

my god. even my off topic cant stay on topic. * sigh *
i spin out..

He really doesn't care? He is not a foodie! That would be hard. Gary is not great on verbal compliments, but the clean plate and seconds say a lot, and with a little prompting he will comment positively. I think on the farm women were expected to dish up good food - it was their job and compliments were not expected or given. I have to laugh as I remember the first time I made stew for Gary. His mum was a very good baker, but not a great meat cook from what I can tell. He tasted the gravy, and got a far away look in his eyes as he said, "I do believe that is the best gravy I have ever tasted." I can go a long while on that.

I don't know if I would like requests - I kind of go with the flow.

At least your man does some cooking. Gary can, but is too busy. A couple of New Years ago we went north to a cabin for "our" holiday time. I told him my only need was for him to cook all the meals. He did a fine job.

Oh my, " Real pho and ban mi. Carnitas tacos and Jamaican jerk." I am so limited by my food allergies. My dim sum days are over.

got to thinking about my brain and my liver hashing out their differences and now i crave hash. i say this with utmost sincerity. if i get a terminal prognosis in a few years and have the money to leave my son set up here and a handful to waste.. i would like to go to germany during the season of the wacken metal fest -- it would be a one way plane ticket. that sounds more eerily like a plan as opposed to a fantasy. wth is the difference between comfort medication for the dying and SELF comfort medication ? my life has been nice. my death could be too.. he he . now ive got some stone to lay in the usa in preperation.. it would be rock and roll geriatric camp as the monsters of rock are graying too.

lastresort, Anbesol can also numb a hurting tooth. That is the worst. Good wishes for auntie.

emjo, My friend does not enjoy cooking in general. But I envy that her husband actually will request something for dinner.

I don't know how to say this, but maybe it would be good to hear once in awhile, "Those enchiladas you made were really good", could you make those again?

My husband is so food neutral. That is MY problem not his and I realize that now. My kiddo is like me, poor kid. He works at a restaurant after school and appreciates my efforts. He got my foodie ways from our trips into the big city. Real pho and ban mi. Carnitas tacos and Jamaican jerk.

I will give my husband a nod that he wants to make fresh pasta tomorrow. I need to justify that Atlas pasta machine.

last resort, see if she has some oil of clove, a drop on that tooth will numb it.

Had cheese souffle as my 91 year old aunt bit a cough drop a few days ago and her tooth hurts, dentist is out of town and she doesn't want to go to the emergency dentist, so souffle and green beans.

windy - ur friend's husband dictates what's for dinner? Not sure I would like cooking then either.

Glad you and your mum get along foodwise.

Gary likes most things, but watches what he eats, which I admire. You are what you eat. He is very self disciplined that way. He has a sweet tooth, but doesn't overindulge. 6'2" and 185 lbs. and still wears clothes he had years and years ago. Of course, hauling hay and horses helps to keep him fit. Neither of us care much for breads or white potatoes (except for latkes and baked).

cap - that particular craving in not something your body needs - something it wants, but definitely does not need. Glad you are giving your liver a break.

My frig is pretty full right now - good thing as grandson is coming over to cat and house sit. He will clean it out. :)

i think cravings are your bodys way of getting what its needing. ive been craving a pint of loud mouth but my liver says no. wish these different biological systems would stfu and get along.

emjo, my guy is like that. Never craves anything and eats what I put in front of him. I just can't understand that mindset as I CRAVE things. I start thinking about dinner in the morning! LOL Glad my guy is like that.

On the other hand, a friend of mine does not care much for cooking and she has a husband that calls her in the morning with his wishes for dinner. Drives her nuts!

Sometimes it would be nice to have requests on the days I'm not so motivated. It's nice when my mom asks for something she cooked for me in my childhood. She was a great cook and I'm happy to not have to think about 'what to make' and get out her recipes.

I may have my problems with my mom, but when it comes to food, we're A-Okay.

pts - he never asks what's for dinner. If I ask what he would like he says "Surprise me!" He is very easy to please and will even eat those dishes that once in a while don't turn out right.

I was not clear - they ordered in pizza for lunch so I did not have to worry about him having chicken twice. In that office on a Friday they are all gone at 4:30 except him! He thoroughly enjoyed supper, and I still had lots of leftovers! I have at times cooked thinking he was coming home and he wasn't for one reason or another. I am getting him trained to call before 5 if he isn't coming home for supper, as he is usually home for supper between 7 and 8. I should say he has supper and I have tea, and maybe a nibble, as eating late doesn't agree with me.

Oh emjo and they wonder why when you decide to quit cooking a beautiful meal. When they ask what's for dinner, tell them "Reservations".

Made the Thai coconut chicken last night with brown rice and asparagus, and also an orange ginger chicken, as G had taken one like the coconut chicken for lunch. Need not have bothered. They ordered in pizza at work. So lots of leftovers and I made up 4 lunches for him and still have some chicken for me. Need to get some wild rice. I usually mix brown and wild. I made the impossible coconut pie. I would not call it a pie, or a pudding, or a custard but it was a good dessert and healthy - eggs, milk, butter... Next time more spices. G had some for breakfast while I made the latkes and maple sausages.

Oh I so wish everyone could come!!! We'd need a barrel of vino.LOL

And what time shall we be there Assandache7 ? I will bring the wine. :)

Roast chicken dinner with mashed potatoes, stuffing,peas,roasted asparagus, cranberry sauce topped with gravy... And the best part, chocolate cake with butter cream frosting!!!!

If anyone has a good recipe for "angel cake" id love to make it. We had this in Texas at my uncles wedding it was devine! Unfortunetly it was baked by a top chef at the Hilton but would love to try it.

Jeanne HA !! 1 girl scout cookie!! I was just complaining that the boxes are getting smaller...Let's just say my husband bought 3 boxes from a co worker's kid and they are "long gone"..

Should probably send this in a hug, but whats a little over-share amongst friends? Lol, sent the pink one (female version) back, that thing sucked compared to blue, male version. Just so ya know. But, as I recall, blue one rocks. Does something a little different and special to the spine. It takes a minute… you have to relax into it. -and for everyone else, talking about Sacro Wedgy here. Hugs.

never heard of Yonanas! I will check it out. How is that wedge thing working for you? What's it called? Now I am thinking about one of those for me too. But I am 5' 10 " so I better get the blue one.

leftover bean soup. too cheap to buy an onion. ( moms voice )
" i ainta payin it , let em keep it " .. lol

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