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I too love to watch puppies romping and playing.

Ever watch the Animal Planet channel puppies and kittens programs? They are soooo adorable!

Watching my puppy play with her big fluffy stuffed dog, which is bigger than she is funny seeing her shake that toy and jump up and down....looks like she is laughing....

I love a good thunderstorm with that rumbling severe weather, just the good garden variety summer thunderstorm...smelling the freshness of the rain approaching, seeing Mama all cozy and snug after I have gotten her ready for the day and sitting here with my hot cup of coffee ....what I am doing now.

Glad and send I am going to spank you two.


You can either say - I took a break from xyz (if that sounds super duper) to devote time to care for my terminally ill mother (we are all terminal - in that we will all die) and to ensure she received optimum care.

Or for the last 4 years I have been the sole care-giver for xxyz who had multiple health issue AND dementia

My duties involved
Keeping financial records of all transactions (as her POA that is a requirement)
Liaising with a range of professional bodies at all levels: legal, financial, health, medical inter alia (means among others but sounds posher)
Explaining in simple terms the results of the professional meetings to my mother in a manner than allowed her to understand
Conducting due diligence with regard to care provision and monitoring same
Reporting any diversion from agreed and standard practices
Keeping records of care provision and medication
General house keeping duties
Manual handling and lifting
Organising and coordinating visits and holidays that would accommodate very specific needs
Ensuring her rights were enabled at all times
Making numerous phone recalls and recording and diarising results of same
Attending to personal needs including but not limited to personal hygiene, welfare, religious needs, financial needs, health, medical and nutritional needs
Completing various complex forms on behalf of xxyz to access abcdefgh

In the final months I conducted an analysis of the most appropriate care for xxyz which involved taking up references conducting due diligence on the care homes, reading a variety of report to ensure that my mother received the best care possible.

In addition to this I also ran my own household blah blah blah yada yada yada

This is your application for you have been a care-giver and you should be proud to stand up and tell the world what you have done

You are not a 1 or 2 line person

returning to work after retirement, seeking a new career.

Or, you could say you have a general life experience which would qualify you for on the job training or you are willing to have a specific short trial period.

Bad girls!!!!!!!! But I love you both just the same xxxxxx

Just found this discussion group. Love it! Look on the sunny side. Jude is quite a poet, and should submit her poems gor publication. You all made me feel better. Thank you! My favorite things are books, music, cooking, sitting out on my porch in the morning, which is what I'm doing now.

Job applicant says simply, returning to work after retirement, seeking a new career. (It would help to be able to say: new career for which I have been trained).

Depending if you are over 62-65 y.o.
Many people are hired direct from school or some kind of training program, even from volunteer positions.

Or, you could say you have a general life experience which would qualify you for on the job training or you are willing to have a specific short trial period.

Hope this helps. Be sure to dress for where you want to work, as in, wear to the interview what the position you are seeking would be wearing.

Love my golden retreiver! Oh and that I am getting my life back I hope, but sheesh it is hard work! Anybody know caregiver friendly employers out there? Four years of caregiving looks like four years of unemployment and mooching off folks, eating bonbons and watching tb! They need an attitude adjustment!

ICE POPS! I love ice pops!!!

Gersh, Glad, and Hope,
Now that I am cheered up, I can go water my sunflower with the rainwater we saved.

Reported as SPAM, or is it a nigerian prince scam?
Won't we get infected with malware if we send a hug?

Maleek needs to loan us some money I think.

I love soap...any kind....even just the basic good old Caress, Tone, Dial, any kind and every kind...good old soap and powder...Two of my favorite things on earth...these two with a good hot tub of water can help turn any day around.

Bird songs when I walk on the trail in the morning, the feel of the wind in my hair (I love the wind in the Fall), the peace of waves at the beach in the evening.
And speaking of snowfall, even though I dread the cold dark winter, that first fall of snow drifting gently down like feathers is magical.

EVERYONE IS WELCOME HERE! If you just don' feel positive about something, post anyway, but be absolutely positive you feel that way.

Listening to music today, from the past. Doris Day's song:
Que sera, sera, whatever will be will be.

Gar, where are we going to find a cold, snowy, or blizzard day in the middle of summer in California? Unlike my friends who are flying to Canada, we don't get out much. But last week, arriving at what used to be a favorite market, Whole Paycheck, we walked by an empty display filled with ice, looked like a barrel, first thought was, 'Now there is something to ice your lumbar sciatica by sitting in that barrel'. When the pain is widespread, I think of that barrel, but a nice snow patch will do.

Yes, sleeping in, especially during a cold snowy or blizzard day....

My favorite thing I hate to say is sleeping. I love that feeling when you are just drifting off but there is still that tie between sleep and wakefulness. Especially when you know you can sleep as long as you want. No alarm clocks!!! Love it!!

Stacey, yes, THE Mackinac Island, an enchanting place, setting for the Somewhere in Time with the wonderful Victorian dresses. And I do live in Michigan.

If you ever go, be prepared for a lot of exercise. It's almost a culture shock to see no vehicles but also a wonderful reprieve from the smell of auto exhaust.

Be sure to visit the fudge shops; Mackinac Island is famous for them, and the fudge is delicious - rich and creamy but also soft, not hard as some fudge is.

Jude, where do you live, my parents came from Newport, Wales UK, and I've been all over England, and some southern Wales. I can't wait to get back there, and will, after my car giving responsibilities are fulfilled. I have an Auntie and Uncle in Swansea as well as cousins, and more cousins in England, at mor shirtail family spread out all over. I was meant to live my life over there, as I love it so much! My cousin said that I could get duel citizenship, but I know that I could never leave my siblings, kid's and Grandies, so there would be no point. I Love Britain! Thank God for Google Earth, as I do all my traveling from my armchair these days! Lol

Stacey only ever been to Seattle once and I was lucky enough to go up the space needle there - definitely not sleepless thats for sure - after a long day out (shopping - I am woman remember AND British - we just love to mooch) I could have slept for a week!

Jude, I love your story about Jamaica my daughter had a neighbor, a healthy young man who lived with his parents in a very nice home, who would ride his bicycle over to the freeway ramp, and Panhandle! I think he must of had a drug problem., very sad when that happens. Oh, and the telemarketers who call claiming to be from "Microsoft Windows" stating there is a problem with my computer, a virus threat in my windows. That telemarketer scan has been going around for a long long time, & I have received it many times! Terrible! It is still extremely hot here in the Seattle area, too darn hot! My little Charlie girls, does not like it very much! She's very furry! But very cute! So everyone, have a wonderful day! Hopefully it will cool down tomorrow! As we are going for a drive with my sister and her husband to a beautiful place called Deception Pass, here in Puget Sound in the streets of Juan de Fuca. A gorgeous gorgeous place!

Gardenartist, Mackinac Island? As in SOMEWHERE IN TIME, Mackinac Island? I Love that Movie!!! Add that to One One of My Favorite Things list!! Do you live in Michigan? The Grand Hotel there is on my bucket list, oh, some day! I'll will get there, as when we are finished with our "COMMITMENT", my husband has promised me a trip to the UK, and I hope to add that stop on at the end, a little regroup time before heading home to figure out what we want to do with the rest of our lives, ie: sell our house and buy a Condo, or rent an apt. and do more traveling. It could be year's off still, but so fun to think about, life after FIL, (11 yrs) in our home. Another favorite thing, daydreaming/future-tripping, especially on caar drives, my favorite topic, when we win the lottery, but you have to buy lotto tickets for that, must buy one today! Happy Day Everyone! Very Hot in Seattle again, yuck! Cooler tomorrow though! Yay!

I've always thought there's a certain fascinating aspect to stormy weather - it's so alive, but also so refreshing.

As to worse self versions...I'd hate to think I could actually be any worse than I already am!

But it's also necessary to remember that there are a lot of irritations in life today, whether it's repeated telemarketers who ignore the Do Not Call List, or foreign scammers trying to get your financial information, either by phone or with phished and spoofed numbers and e-mails.

I've stopped most of the door to door salespeople with a large NO SOLICITATION sign on my front door. But the telephone has expanded from being a lifeline to being an instrument of harassment.

And the junk mail...I don't even want to start on that.

Now, thinking about all that, I'm going to refocus to think what I'd rather be than what I don't want to be.

And hope for a wonderfully refreshing rain.

There's a special thrill as well with the post rain rainbows that sometimes appear. It's as if I'm gazing into a magic environment, something from a fairy tale.

I am loving the changes in the weather lately corresponding to my moods. Lightening, loud, loud thunder, rain! We are collecting rain in blue buckets.

Movie quote: You've Got Mail. Joe Fox: [Writing to "Shopgirl"]
Do you ever feel you've become the worst version of yourself?
That a Pandora's box of all the secret, hateful parts-your arrogance
your spite, your condescension-has sprung open? Someone upsets
you and instead of smiling and moving on, you zing them. "Hello, it's
Mr. Nasty." I'm sure you have no idea what I'm talking about.
Or in my case, Mrs. Irritable. I never wanted to be who I've become

SendMe, thanks for your post with information on coconut oil; I've been wondering where I could get some that's likely purer than anything in chain stores - forgot about Trader Joe's.

One of my favorite things today is nice, cold, orange sherbet. If it weren't for the fact that we're under a heat advisory (100 to 105 degree heat index anticipated), I could be outside gardening, but not in 90+ heat.

Lime sherbet is a treat too. The ultimate though would be the local chain supermarket's Mackinac Island Fudge ice cream, chocolate chip ice cream, mint chocolate chip ice cream, black cherry ice cream...heck just about any ice cream. I don't discriminate - I love them all. And they really hit the spot on hot sweltering days.

We went to our favorite market, Trader Joes, and purchased a few recommended favorite things: the cold pressed coconut oil, and coconut body butter!! That makes skin so smooth!

A new favorite thing - reading this post and thinking about other's favorites as I wake up in the morning. It's a great way to start a day - especially the thought of sharing those things which we enjoy.

Thank you, Garden Artist an Ashlynne!
I too love the huskies, one blue eye, the other eye another color. My dog was also a rescue, but a purebred. She had dark eyes.
We are financially committed to not having another pet due to the high vet bills.
The care we both gave our dog was enough to last a lifetime, we will not forget that we just cannot do that again. I have had other dogs, it is a lifetime commitment, we could never give our pet away just because we couldn't care for it. But that is just me. I love dogs especially. My favourite pet!

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