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Songs pop into my memories in bits and pieces.

Did anyone see Neil Diamond in concert?
He is about 82 years old now and has Parkinson's.
Still alive.

Neil Diamond on Parkinson's and "A Beautiful Noise"
The life of singer-songwriter Neil Diamond has been dramatized, "warts and all," in the Broadway musical "A Beautiful Noise." Diamond, now 82, talks with correspondent Anthony Mason about continuing to sing; his diagnosis of Parkinson's disease (a condition for which he was, he says, long in denial); and about the calm that has - finally - moved into "the hurricane of my life."
APR 2, 2023

Here is a favorite from Golden:
"One of my favourite movie quotes is from the Princess Bride - when Buttercup and Wesley are in the Fire Swamp.

Buttercup: We'll never survive. 
Westley: Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has."

I am going to need to watch the Princess Bride.

But I still have "The Never Ending Story".

I'm with you on that one, cw. It's multipurpose for me - cooking/recipes, on line shopping (not just groceries), reading, researching, music, conversation, keeping in touch with people, games, meeting new people, videos/shows/ programs, probably more.

After living with service interruptions for the past week I can confidently say that the internet is one of my favourite things.
Games. Music. Conversation. The ability to look stuff up.
I honestly don't know how I'd survive without it (although I did get a few chores done that I'd been putting off)

i looooooooove rom coms.
that is all.

well maybe a few more sentences:
i've seen every rom com. seriously. no kidding around. but i just discovered a cute one i haven't seen yet. "finding you" (2021). so i'm enjoying that today, my perfect sunday :).

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things

Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels
Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
These are a few of my favorite things....


Happy to be a part of a fourth generation family. 😇💟😊💖🥳️💝👩‍🍼🐣

It's been several weeks for my dH exercising.
The veins on his arms are sticking out.
So I took a double take.
I think he may be getting 'buff'. Lol.

I'm just home from my quilting group this morning Send - I just pin the pieces together or iron them, no talent required. Youtube has great videos for every level of fitness but the algorithms tend to push all those 30 something buff instructors so you have to be careful not to let that discourage you.

Dh has been watching a very similar exercise video from the Silver Sneakers and AARP programs, free, online.

One instructor said if you cannot do squats, do leg lifts.

I do not do the same exercises because of fibromyalgia, but it looks fun.

Where have you been?

You are very inspiring.
I agree about squads, I don’t do it everyday, but I also do weights, steps, biking. But I do 100 a day, 3/4 times a week.
Eating well, but I love carbs, I hardly eat junk, and I never ever diet.
I run and do things all day and my weight is the same.
And like you, I love reading and learning. I would read half a night if I could.
Shame on me, I have treadmill in the basement, put Spanish lessons book on it, so do two things exercise and learn, have done very little of as I find treadmill boring, used to be my husband who exercised on it.
Lucky for us it is getting warmer and snow is melting, walking would be good.

Thanks, cw!

This are my favourite playlists NHWM

Way - Don't know about others but, I bring up the squats b/c if you are going to do only one exercise, squats are the one to do as they benefit so many muscle groups, they don't need any equipment and you can do them anywhere. Having CFS/FM I have to be very economical with exercise. As you get older having decent muscle strength makes a big difference in lots of ways, balance for example.

My dd was studying to be a personal trainer and she was very good with people who were out of shape and/or older b/c cause she took it very slowly and stressed at the beginning to build a habit. Not to be concerned how many or how fast or whatever but just do a few so you build it into your day. Then once you have the habit, you can concentrate on doing the exercises better. Makes sense to me.


I don’t remember if we went on that ride. Oh my gosh, I got claustrophobia on the 20,000 leagues under the sea ride! Hahaha 🤣.

I always go for the roller coaster rides! I also love the free fall rides, Tower of Terror was fun. We would get out of line and go right back in to do those.

I like Disneyland too. Pirates ride is actually better in California than in Florida. So is Indiana Jones and Space Mountain.

Need ,Golden ,
Not sure about if now . But years ago there was a cute Viking ship ride in Epcot at Disney World.


I am going to check out the video and will let you know if I see the light! LOL 😆

Golden and Way,

I have always loved the Viking ships! Very cool looking vessels.

Golden, that’s exactly what my knee exercises do. They technically are thigh muscle strengthening exercises .i need to start doing them again

I think it’s funny that your squats get brought up often 😂😂

way - mother believed the Vikings ruled the world and were never conquered. She took statins. I can't - they affect my muscles but my cholesterol reasonable. My father was English/Welsh and my mother Norwegian so we are similar that way. When joints are bothersome, building up the related muscle helps to support them.

cw - I am sure it is good. With CFS/FM I couldn't possibly do it without crashing. My knees screamed when I started the squats too. In fact my knees were bothering me on the stairs, but not any more. I just took it very slowly. Nothing wrong with bringing something good to other people's attention.

Need, I really, really like this program! (Sometimes I feel like I'm one of those born again people trying to get everyone else to see the light too 🤣)


Thanks, I will check out the video. I’m boring. I do my stationary bicycle and walking.

I'm going to once again tout the value of Leslie Sansone's walk at home program (videos available on youtube). One of the very simple movements in her walks are mini squats (simply bobbing down and up several inches in time to the music), plus being mindful to bend the knees a little when doing side steps - my knees yell about full squats but the moves ares so easy, plus they have actually worked amazingly well to strengthen my muscles!

@ Golden ,
Thanks for the squats technique . I do have some knee exercises that I learned in PT for my arthritic knees.
My PCP told me the 70/30 too when he finally talked me into taking a statin drug. He basically said I needed the statin anyway because of genetics . Dad’s side English/ Irish , Mom’s side are the Vikings.
I had a Norwegian math teacher for 2 years in high school who celebrated Leif Erikson Day in class each year . She ignored the US Columbus Day . Lol.

@way Yes, those are the usual knees out, back straight squats. I have added stopping half way up and holding it for a few counts to further strengthen muscle. I am moving from a two story house with basement to a one story condo and need to keep my leg strength for things like getting up out of a bath, and picking up stuff off the floor.

I gather you are another Viking on here. I think we have pretty good genes, at least in my mother's family they do. From what I have read it's about 70:30 lifestyle to genetics. Lifestyle is all the usual stuff and it is important. Mother who lived to 106, walked a lot, ate sensible home cooked meals (very little processed food), liked her sweets in moderation - a little dessert some times and a cookie or two with a cup of tea, and same for a glass of sherry once in a while. She usually slept well. Her mind was very active and she stayed involved in her interests into her 90s.

Having Borderline Personality Disorder she lived with a degree of stress and had high blood pressure which was treated but sometimes spiked, and that I am sure caused her vascular dementia. Otherwise she might still be alive and I would still be caregiving - God forbid! Most of the women in mother's family lived a good life well up into their 90s.

I try to live a healthy lifestyle. For me that's the key. Keeping moving is part of that. Even a little exercise has benefits. I can't do what I once did, obviously. I eat low carb and for me that is part of keeping healthy but it's not for everyone. My father got type 2 diabetes and I swore I wouldn't!!!

When my BP went up a bit years ago I did a lifestyle change rather than take pills. It came down and is even lower now. Same with blood sugar and mine is fine now. That's my general approach. If something goes off I first look to lifestyle to change it. That doesn't work for everything. I am on thyroid meds for hypothyroidism and a lot of supplements for CFS/FM but it does work for many things.

Dealing with stress well is very important too. I used to be able to walk it off, but not any more, so deep breathing and so on helps. I read a lot for escapism and for knowledge.

Living long is only good if you have quality of life. And enough money to look after yourself. I worked till I was 73 to enhance my pensions. I work to keep myself as healthy and mobile as I can. It's better than sitting and deteriorating. lol.


I would go to the Crayola factory! I remember being thrilled to get my first box of 64 crayons! Hahaha 🤣

I love reading the names of colors on crayons, lipstick and nail polish.


I don’t think the Peeps factory gives tours , at least I’ve never heard of any.
But we do have the Crayola factory tour near us where you get to make and name a crayon.

@ Golden ,

Ok. I’m asking . Are these the usual knees out back straight squats ?
What am I supposed to be doing to live as long as your family ?

You are amazing, Eva. 100 squats a day!!! I bet it burns off all that chocolate.
Jeanne Calment is legendary. Lot of antioxidants in dark chocolate!

I indulge in dark chocolate, big amounts.
But I can do squats, about 100 a day!
Interesting fact, this French woman, (don’t remember her name), who lived to be over 120, ate about 2 pounds of chocolate weekly, doctor advised her to eat less at age 110. Why, maybe more chocolate increases longevity?

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